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Grow Up Little Ten

My POV: 3rd Person

Takemichi and Hina walked into Tennin's hospital room. " Is she doing any better? " Hina asked. " I'm not sure... She's not waking up.. But she was crying a few days ago.. The nurse said I should talk to her but it doesn't seem like it's working " He said. The two frowned.

They could see how empty Mikeys eyes were. " Tenchin are you gonna wake up any time soon? I'm sorry... I'm really really sorry... " He said lowly.


***6 YEARS AGO***

Tennin was sitting down on her bed with her mom sitting in front of her mother who was crying. " You need to be more grown up little Ten. Mommy and Daddy aren't gonna be able to take care of you forever " Tomoko said cupping Tennin's face.

She placed a soft kiss on her nose. " Okay... " Tennin said a little worried. She could see the tears forming on Tomoko's tear ducts. " Hey, mommy and daddy have to go on a business trip, so take good care of Kaori while we're gone okay? " She asked. " Okay... When will you come back? " Tennin asked.

" ..T-Tomorrow " Tomoko stuttered looking away. " Promise? " Tennin asked holding her moms face. " ...Promise " She said.


Tomoko lied. In fact it had been a week and she still hasn't returned. The girls were running out of food and Tennin was panicking a little. " Mommy says to be more grown up... Grown ups have jobs and make money. So to be more grown up I have to get a job " She said.

She puts Kaori in a baby sling, grabs the baby bag, and leaves the house. She took the elevator down to the third floor then had to walk the rest of the way since the elevator on the was broken. Then Kaori started to cry loudly. Tennin softly strokes her head.

" Shhh... Mom named you Kaori like a perfume. It's supposed to be light and gentle, but if you cry so loud you won't be gentle and people will be upset. " She lulled softly, however Kaori was still crying. " Hey hey shhh... Um... How did that song go... Uhh... Natsu... Something... " She groaned.

Kaori starts to cry even louder and pulling on her hair. " Ow ow!! I'm sorry Kaori you must be really upset. Don't worry, big sis is gonna help you okay... Um... Oh! I got it! " She said.

Natsuhiboshi, naze akai?
Yuube kanashii yume wo mita
Naite hanashita
Akai me yo

Natsuhiboshi, naze mayou?
Kieta warashi wo sagashiteru
Dakara kanashii
Yume wo miru

Kaori calmed down, resting her head on Tennins chest. " Are you feeling better now Kaori? " She asked. Kaori hummed. Tennin kept walking around town, gaining a few stares from people. She stopped at a store that had a sign in it saying 'Help Wanted'.
" Okay, I can get a job here I bet... " She said.

She opens the door and walks inside. " Hello welcome " The man behind the counter smiled. " Um, are you hiring? " Tennin asked. " Er... Yes... " He said confused. " Can I have the job? " She asked. " Uh... Just... How old are you? " He asked. " 9 " Tennin shrugged.

" You're 9 and you want a job here? Where's your parents? " The man asked. " Mommy and daddy went away on a business trip. Mommy says that I need to be more grown up, and she wants me to take care of Kaori. I need a job to be more grown up. I'm about to run out of food for me and Kaori, so I have to make money to buy food. " She explained.

I feel bad... But I'm not gonna break any child labor laws... I can't exactly say no to that face... Maybe I'll just make her do the light work... He thought. " Okay fine... Just... What's something easy...? " He asked himself.

" Just... Just greet the customers when they come in. " He said. " Okay. Thank you. " She said bowing her head.


Tennin was walking back from the store. She was holding a stuffed bear, which the clerk gave her for free along with her first paycheck. she'd been working there for a week, and got her neighbor to watch Kaori while she worked.

She now had the task of stocking the chips on the shelves and seeeping the floor. She was humming happily, smiling wide. Then some kids surrounded her. " Nice looking bear you got there " One boy said. " Huh? Oh thank you... " She said holding it tighter.

" Let me borrow it. I promise that I'll give it back " He said. " U-uh no... no I don't think so... " She said backing up. She bumped into some other kids. " I didn't ask pipsqueak " He smirked. Tennin got scared, she kicked the boy in the stomach as hard as she could, and then started to run off.

" Tch! Brat! " The boy said groveling. He sent his friends to run after her. One grabbed her by her hair, and she screamed but didn't let go of her bear. They all started to beat her up, then Baji and Mikey were walking passed. " Hey they're being totally unfair! " Baji said.

" Wanna do something about it? " Mikey asked. " Yeah let's kick their asses! " He said. They rushed over and started beating them up. " Are you okay? " Baji asked, they turn around and are very surprised to see Tennin. " Huh, So you assholes were ganging up on a girl. " Baji said annoyed.

" And not just any girl. Our friend " Mikey added. They started kicking them around some more before going back over to Tennin. " Thank you " She said. " Are you okay? " Baji asked. Tennin nodded. " Can you stand up? " Mikey asked.

" Um... " She said trying but she was really hurt. " Here, get on my back " Mikey said.
" Okay " She said. She gets on and Baji holds her bear for her. " I'm sorry I got you guys into a fight for me. I can't really protect myself " She sighed.

" Don't worry, Gramps will teach you all he knows " Mikey grinned. " Really? " Tennin asked. " Oh yeah definitely!He's the best " Baji agreed.


Shinichiro opened the door, holding the crying Kaori. " Oh Kaori you're okay. That's good " She smiled while Grampa Sano finished putting on the bandages. " As soon as you heal up I'll start teaching you " He said. She nodded.

𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 | 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐘𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 (𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔬)Where stories live. Discover now