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Kazunari's Crush

" Hey Ten, what're you doing after school? " Okimi asked. " I dunno... I've got work but I'm not sure if I'll just skip today... Boss will definitely doc my pay for that... But still I don't wanna go " Tennin sighed. " Anyways, did you want me to hang out? " She asked.

Okimi nodded. " Actually I was wondering if you could come with me to my dads house... and spend the night... and maybe stay the rest of the weekend. " She said. " Is he doing that again? " Tennin asked. " Yeah but if your there he won't " Okimi sighed.

" I want to tell mom but I don't know how she'll react. Plus my baby brother is gonna be there so if she found out about it, it'll probably be much worse than before " She said. " Okay. But I'll have to head to my house and pack first. " She said.

" Okay. I'll tag along then and we can just stay together the whole time " Okimi said. Tennin nodded.


Tennin was folding up clothes and making sure they were organized nicely before putting them in her bag. She made sure to get toiletries as well. " Hey am I forgetting anything? " Tennin asked. " Underwear? " Okimi asked. " Check " Tennin responded.

" Lucky bear? "

" Check "

" Slippers? "

" Check "

" Sleep mask? "

" Check "

" Keys? "

" Check "

" Hair clips? "

" Check "

" Toothbrush? "

" Oh that's it. Thanks " Tennin said going through the closet and too the bathroom.
" Hey you got anything to drink? " Okimi called. " Uhhh I got like half a six pack of monster and... I think there's some iced tea too " She said picking up her toothbrush out the holder.

She comes back to her bedroom and placed her toothbrush in the small pocket of her bag. " Okay I'm ready let's go now " Tennin said putting the bags strap over her shoulder. She texted Mikey so he doesn't get upset when he visits her and she's not home.


Okimi opened the door and heard loud laughter immediately. " Is... Your older brother here too...? " Tennin asked nervously. " Yeah I remember him saying he'd be back today before I got home from school. " Okimi said.

" Okay... Um can't we have the sleepover at my house? " She asked. " But you came all the way here. Why the change of heart? " Okimi asked. " It's very obvious he has a crush on me " Tennin said. " What? No he doesn't! " Okimi scoffed. " Yes he does. " Tennin rolled her eyes.

" No he doesn't you're just being paranoid. I'll prove it. Hey Kazu come over here " Okimi said. " No!! " Tennin groaned. " Hey Sis you're finally back— ... Eh? " Kazunari noticed Tennin standing next to her.

" Ten-Chan!!! " He shouted happily going to hug her. Tennin slipped passed him by bending down to walk under his arm. " Hello Niwa. A handshake will do and please call me Matoi " She said holding her hand out to him. " What? But we're friends " Kazunari said.

" No, me and Okimi are friends. The two of us just 'know each other' that's all " She said.
" Yo! Kazunari you're missing the movie! " Someone else called. " Right! Sorry! " Kazunari said rushing back. " See. He definitely has a crush on me " Tennin said.

𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 | 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐘𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 (𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔬)Where stories live. Discover now