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The Midnights

POV: 3rd Person

Tennin hummed lowly, rocking the crying Goro. " Please calm down.. Goro I'm tired " She said, although it didn't seem to calm him down. " Shhhh-sh-sh-sh-sh... " She said bouncing him. She'd checked everything. He doesn't have a fever, he's not hungry and she changed his diaper five minutes ago.

" Damn where did I put it? " She asked, rummaging through the kitchen drawers. She found a blue pacifier. " Here " She said putting it in his mouth. I know it's not good, but just for tonight... She thought happily while he calmed down.


" Oh my god! TenTen you look horrible " Keito said, making her ram the stroller into him while Goro laughed. " Ow ow! Sorry that's not what I meant. " He said. " Sissy. Are we gonna see Auntie? " Kaori asked. " Not today " Tennin sighed.

" Why did you bring them here? " Kyō asked.
" It's a long story... That I really don't wanna get into. " She yawned. " That little one is scary " Keito said, pointing to Kaori who staring at him intensely. " Whatever. I'm exhausted.. " Tennin sighed leaning on the stroller.

" Preaching to the choir on that one " Mikito said walking into the room. " Anyways, I gotta go grocery shopping today " Tennin sighed.
" Hey, how about the midnights take you? " He asked. " The Who? " Tennin asked. " He means us " A boy said.

Tennin turned to see a group of boys walking in. A boy with black hair wearing a mask, A boy with blonde hair and glasses listening to some type of music, a sweet looking boy with pink hair and freckles, a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, Eiji, and a boy with blue hair and blue eyes.

" Nice to meet you newbie, I'm Himura Hayato, just call me Yato " The blue haired one smiled. " Hi!! I'm Sakamaki Yashiro but you can call me Shiro if you want " He said. " I'm Matsuoka Jyugo. " The brown haired boy said boredly.

" Kaworu Shougo. Just call me Shou " The black haired boy said. Eiji nudged the blonde boy, who takes out his headphones. " What? " He asked annoyed. " Introduce yourself to the boss' girlfriend " He said, then was hit in the face with a rock.

" I'm not Keito's Girlfriend " She said annoyed. " What? Then why'd he let you join so easily? " He asked confused. " I'm just doing him a favor " She said. " Okay.. Anyways tell her your name " He said. " I'm Kiryuu Akio. Or just Aki if you feel like it " He said.

" I'm included in that group " Mikoto said.
" They'll do all the work " He said. " Nice of you to offer your services " Mikoto rolled his eyes." Just go " Keito rolled his eyes. " Alright fine let's go. Where's your shopping list? " Jyugo said.

Tennin pulled the paper from the bag and handed it to him. " Alright get on " Shougo said bending down in front of her. " Why...? " Tennin asked. " So you can take a nap " He said. " But Goro... " She said worriedly. " I got him " Eiji said taking the stroller from her.

" And Kaori and Rin.. " She said looking at her younger sisters. " I'll watch them " Yashiro smiled, taking the girls hands. They seemed to like him a lot. " Your hair is pretty pink " Rin giggled. " You like pink? " He asked. " Yeah " She smiled.

" ...Okay... But I swear if anything happens to them I'll pop your eyes out your head and make you eat them " She said. " R-Roger " Yashiro stuttered. She's scary... He thought.
" And if Goro is hurt I will pull your tongue out your mouth, tie it around your neck and strangle you with it " She glared.

" Gotcha... " He said nervously. Jeez what did god do to make her this scary...? He thought. She climbs on his back and they get going, while she starts drifting off to sleep.

𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 | 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐘𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 (𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔬)Where stories live. Discover now