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November 19, 2002 (6 Months Later)

I crouched down to the ground in the shrub and waited to pounce. I watched as the doe peacefully ate the vegetation as I stalked it. I crept closer before pouncing on the doe. She slipped away before I could clasp my jaw on her causing me to growl in frustration. My large paws tore at the wet ground as I ran after the doe.

I avoided trees as she tried to lose me. I could smell her fear as I growled to let her know I was still behind her. Eventually she began to get tired and began to get sloppy as she avoided trees and she tripped on the wet leaves beneath her hooves. I took the opportunity to pounce on top of her and pressed my weight onto her as she struggled. I bit down into her neck and began tossing her around as my paw pressed firmly into her neck.

I waited for a pop or crack and for her to completely relax before I relaxed. I began working on getting her onto my back so I could carry her back to the reserve. The doe would be butchered and preserved for future meals and her pelt would be dried and turned into clothing. I heard something drop behind me about a metre west and it was getting closer my the millisecond. I got on guard and prepared for the chance of a bear or mountain lion, even if the scent didn't smell like either of those.

I turned around to see a pack of 7 people. They all stood in defensive positions as I turned around with my jowls lifted. We stared at each other before a gust of wind carried their scent right into my snout. I slowly lowered to the ground when the scent of them all being vampires. I lowered my jowls dropped my ears flat and tucked my tail between my ears as I rolled onto my back letting them know I was surrendering and I meant no harm.

These people must have been the vampire coven that my father had mentioned the day I arrived. Dad had tried to convince me to try and meet the coven every time he wrote me a letter from where ever he had landed. I always tried to avoid meeting them since I didn't want to betray the pack by attempting to befriend them.

"Hold on, she's one of us." I looked towards the blond male as he held out his arm to stop the rest of his coven.

He had collar-length blond hair with what seemed to be a well-toned medium frame and stood at 6' 2" with gentle eyes.

"What do you mean, she's clearly one of the fur balls." The male who spoke next was large and burly as well as intimidating.

He had a rather filled out form built by muscle and stood at 6' 1". He has pale skin and golden eyes like the rest of his coven. He had dimples and slightly curly, dark brown hair that almost looked black.

"Hold on, I've seen her before, in one of my visions." A pixie-like girl with short, spiky, inky black hair practically floated over to me and began petting the orange fur below my chin as I continued to lay on my back.

"She's going to be very special to us all." She continued to pet me as I observed the rest of the coven carefully.

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