Chapter 1

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Ranboo tightened the buttons on his white blouse, then straightened his outfit out in the mirror. He sighed as he gazed into his reflection. No wonder he hadn't adopted yet. His black and white skin, his mismatched eyes, and the long scar that stretched from his white split ear to the corner of his lip.

A knock could be heard from his room. His own personal room. The other kids refused to sleep near him so a room had to be reserved for him.

"Ranboo dear, I brought you breakfast." The door slid open slightly and a plate of was placed on his floor. "Enjoy." Ranboo sighed at this, picking up the plate and silverware before beginning to eat on his bed. This was what he usually did after all since kids would stare at him if he sat in the cafeteria. And being an enderman hybrid he hated that. Once he finished he left his dorm and headed outside where most of the kids would be at this time.

Even though most of them were around his age, he still towered over them at a height of 7 feet. He awkwardly walked across the courtyard, feeling the burn of a thousand stares on his back. He heard one of the smaller orphans start to cry at his presence, which made him quicken his pace.

Ranboo eventually reached the large oak tree he usually sat by, and slumped in defeat. He had only just woke up but he felt so worn out. He envied those other kids. They got to play with others, be embraced by the caretakers, not having to worry about scaring small children. Sure there were a few other hybrids but they were all humans mixed with other things. But Ranboo? He's half enderman half anomaly.

"Ranboo! Ranboo come quick!" A caretaker called. "There's an adoptee, he wants to meet you!" The older lady rushed over to him, her face bright.

"W-what?!" Ranboo gasped in delight. "Me? He wants to meet me?!" This had never happened before. For once Ranboo felt...hope.

"Yes! Come quick before he changes his mind!" The lady grabbed him by the wrist and began to pull him inside.

The two rushed down a hallway and into a wing Ranboo hadn't seen before. She quickly opened the door. Inside the blank white room was a man in a green hoodie and matching bucket hat. He looked to be in his forties, with light blonde hair and a noticeable stubble on his chin. "Mr.Minecraft, thank you so much for coming! This is Ranboo, the one you were interested in meeting."

"Ranboo?" The man asked, looking confused. "No, no I said Randy not Ranboo!"

Ranboo's heart dropped.

"O-Oh..." The caretaker turned to face Ranboo, trying to be consoling but obviously uncomfortable with the hybrid's presence. "I-I'm so sorry..." Ranboo felt like he wanted to throw up. He just wanted to leave. Run into his room and scream-cry into his pillow.

"No, it's fine. You and I both know I'll never be adopted. No ones even asked to meet me." He clenched his fists. "Goddamit!" His yell tapered into a whimper as tears welled in his eyes. The caretaker was shaken by him yelling, but surprisingly the man seemed unfazed.

"No one?" The man chimed in. "Take a seat young man, let's have a talk." Ranboo whipped his head around, surprised and confused. He then quickly pulled out a chair, still sniffling, and sat down. "So, Ranboo, how long have you lived here?"

"Forever basically, I was kinda just found near here and they took me in." The man's face softened. Not a look of pity or disgust, but a genuine expression of compassion.

"So I'm assuming you don't remember your family then?"

"No...I mean I don't even know what the white half of me is! And my memory problems don't help..."

The man turned to face the caretaker. "I'll adopt him."

The room fell silent. "You- you will?!" The lady sounded baffled. Ranboo's face lit up.

"Yup. This kid's had a hard life, I wanna help him."

"I'll get the paperwork right away!" The lady rushed out of the room, leaving the two alone.

"I- thank you so much...Mr.Minecraft."

The man waved his hand. "No please, just call me Phil. No need to be so formal."

A wide toothy grin spread across the hybrid's face. "Phil." The hope he felt earlier returned tenfold. Was this what having family felt like?

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