Chapter 2

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Ranboo felt awkward as they drove towards Phil's house in his SUV. The enderman's tall stature made it difficult to fit in the thing and his scalp was barely grazing the roof of the vehicle. His knees were also tucked close to his body.

"We're just about there kiddo!" Ranboo smiled. They rolled down the gravely road and pulled up to a fairly large cottage, tucked away in the woods. Ranboo excitedly got out of the car once they were parked, and he followed Phil inside. And inside? Boy was it a sight.

Two boys about the same age as him were play fighting with wooden swords in the middle of the minimally decorated living room. It was made of of mostly earthy tones, which gave it a cozy feel. One of the two boys looked completely human and the other was a goat hybrid. On the couch laid a curly haired non-hybrid boy. He was strumming away at his acoustic guitar, seemingly unphased by what was going on around him. As the door shut behind them the younger human boy whipped his head around to face them, his expression quickly contorting.

"Dad. What the FUCK IS THAT!?" The goat boy elbowed him in the arm.

"Jesus Tommy be polite!" He stepped forward towards him, then stuck out a hand. "I'm Tubbo, nice to meet ya! The blond over there is Tommy, and the brown haired one is Wilbur. And you are?"

"Oh- uh- I'm...Ranboo." He awkwardly shook his hand, still shaken by Tommy's words. Phil stepped forward.

"Tommy, I'm going to need a word with you later. But for now, meet your new brother!"

"BROTHER!? WHY DO WE NEED ANOTHER BROTHER!?" Tommy stuck his tongue out at Phil, then shuffled over to Ranboo. "Whatever. I'm Tommy, but you can call me Big Man." Wilbur looked up from his guitar.

"Oh great, the child's calling himself big again."

"OH YOU LITTLE!" While Tommy started a small scuffle with Wilbur, Ranboo attempted small talk with Tubbo.

"Soooo, guess we're brothers now?"

Tubbo laughed. Oh! No, I don't actually live here. I live down the street with my Aunt Puffy. I'm just friends with Tommy y'know?"

"So there's Tommy, Wilbur and Phil here then?"

Tubbo shook his head. "Well there's also Techno. He's a piglin!"

"Like a full piglin? Not a hybrid or anything!?"

A large figure's shadow appeared in the hallway. It appeared hairy and unkempt, almost Ranboo's height. The enderman hybrid shivered. "Oh look, he's coming now!" A massive piglin appeared in the hallway, it's long pink mane braided and it's body covered in a regal looking robe.

"God, why can't I read my Percy Jackson in peace! You guys make too much noise..." He paused, eyes drifting over to Ranboo. "Ehhh!?"

"Oh- um- I'm- I'm Ranboo, your new brother."

Techno paused for a moment, his expression blank. "Oh. You know I'm not sure why I'm surprised anymore." He turned around and walked back towards what Ranboo assumed was his room. "Just keep it down will ya?"

Ranboo blinked. "Is- is he always like that?"

"Yeah pretty much." Tubbo sighed, his arms crossed. "Tommy says he can be pretty sweet though."

"I DID NOT! Techno is a stuck up nerd who reads kids books all day!"

"I read actual mythology too!" Said Techno, his voice muffled from the other room.

Tubbo seemed to be the easiest to talk to, which is why when he left for home Ranboo felt even more awkward. The four sat around the dinner table. Wilbur and Tommy quietly bantered to each other while Techno and Phil were eating peacefully. Ranboo took a bite into his ham, noticing it's off taste.

"This ham tastes...weird...are you sure it isn't expired."

"It's vegan."


"It's vegan ham." Techno stared down Ranboo as he took another bite. The enderman hybrid nodded uncomfortably.

"Sooo, how was everyone's day today?" Phil blurted out in an attempt of small talk.

"Well I don't know about you all but I'm a bit uncomfortable with this 7 foot Oreo cookie in my dining room."

"Okay Mr. 'Troy Bolton Wannabe." Wilbur tried his best to hide his laughter as Tommy's face flushed. Instead of the yelling he expected from the blond, he instead bursted out in laughter.

"Okay Mr. 'Half and half'!"

Wilbur piped in this time. "Okay Mr. 'Collects vinyls but doesn't even use them'!"

"Oh you little!" Tommy cackled, reaching over to Wilbur who was sat next to him. In their scuffle Tommy's elbow accidentally hit a fork, sending it cascading over to Ranboo. Before it could hit him in the face Techno's lighting reflexes managed to catch it.

"You good?"

"Ummm, y-yeah, I think." Ranboo stammered, trying to catch his breath.

"Tommy, be careful!" Phil scolded. "And Wilbur, don't encourage it!"

"Sorry!" Said both boys in unison.

"Sorry about all this Ranboo, don't want to overwhelm you on your first day!" Phil chuckled. "Our family is just a tad bit...chaotic."

"In a good way!" Tommy chimed in.

"Yes Tommy, in a good way."

Ranboo giggled at this. "Yeah, in a good way."

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