Chapter 13

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Ranboo popped around the backyard in purple sparks, picking up chunks of dirt and grass then placing it somewhere else. Phil and Wilbur watched from the cobblestone terrace.

"Man, Ranboo sure is acting...enderman-y."

Phil took a sip from his cup of herbal tea, from the scent Wilbur deduced it was most likely chamomile. "Well, if he's showing his instincts that means he's probably getting more comfortable with us. And besides, he's finally learning how to teleport. After the encounter with...well whatever the hell that was."

Ranboo stopped his teleporting once he reached a particular patch of grass, where a single tan mushroom was rooted in the ground. Using his enderman powers he picked up the chunk of dirt it was on top of and carried it over to the porch where the other two were sitting.

"Here Phil, I got you this!" Ranboo said, letting out a small vwoop in the process.

"Oh uhh, thanks mate!" Phil reached his hands out and cupped the cubic chunk of dirt, though it began to crumble without the contact of enderman magic. Phil decided to just pluck the mushroom off the top and let the rest of the dirt blow away. Ranboo returned to his impromptu gardening session.

Suddenly, a frantic knock could be heard from the front of the house. "I'll get it!" Said Phil, already getting up from go chair. Just as Phil was hoping off the terrace to reach the front of the house a flash of orange bolted by him.

Ranboo dropped the dirt he was holding. "Fundy? What are you doing here?"

The fox hybrid seemed flustered, his fur ruffled and sticking out in weird ways. "Guys! I need your help! There's something...or someone! Living in the alleyway next to the shop!" He grabbed onto Phil's shoulders. "Eret said it was just a raccoon, but I saw its shadow! It was a man! Or a beast!"

Phil pushed the scrappy-looking man off of him. "Well, I don't know any beasts that live in the town. Maybe I can send a couple of my boys to check it out for you?" His eyes glanced over to Wilbur.

"Ughh, why does it always have to be me?"

"Oh come on Will, it'll be an adventure!"

Tommy poked his head through the back door, now ajar. "Did someone say adventure!?"

"Fundy, you really dragged two of Phil's kids over here to shoo away a stray cat?"

"But boss-"

"Whatever, just keep it quick I guess." Fundy lead them towards the shady alleyway, wedged between Eret's boutique and Niki's flower shop. It didn't smell too great, as you'd expect from an alleyway lined with dumpsters.

Tommy shuddered. "Let's just get this over with." He unsheathed his sword and walked forward, followed by Ranboo then Fundy.

Using flashlights they peaked around dumpsters and looked inside any strange holes they found under buildings.

Something caught Ranboo's foot, something sticky. He pulled and managed to unstick it. Upon closer inspection he realized it was

"Fucking gross!"

"I was going to say slime Fundy." Tommy ran over to look as well. A puddle of green, slightly translucent slime. "Do you think this has anything to do with that 'beast' you saw?"

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now