Chapter 5

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TW: Injuries

Today was the first day in the two weeks Ranboo had been adopted that he hadn't had a horrifying and slightly existential nightmare. He didn't exactly have a good dream either, in fact he didn't dream at all, but he decided it was important to appreciate the little things.

He stared vacantly out the window, appreciating the gorgeous view of the forest beyond their yard that autumn provided. The house was quiet, unnervingly quiet. Phil and the others told him they were heading off into the nether to gather quartz; Ranboo opted to stay behind because of his below average pvp skills.

So he sat around and waited, which made him grow more and more concerned as time passed. They left in the early morning and said they'd be back by noon. It was currently 4 o'clock.

It was currently 5 o'clock. Ranboo was sitting in front of the portal, entranced by its glow. "No Ranboo, calm yourself, you're just being paranoid again." He paused, tapping his feet. "Oh crud what if they're hurt? Dead!? No stop being so over dramatic." Ranboo flopped onto the grass below, groaning into his hands which were pressed against his face. "UGGGH. I know I should check on them, but the nether? Seriously? Why did it have to be the nether!?"

It was currently 6 o'clock. Ranboo was rummaging through the basement trying to find supplies. He found an iron chest plate, helmet and sword which he geared up with. He also found a stash of potions. He was able to identify each one because of his interest in brewing, he studied it a lot while he was in the orphanage. "Oooh, hope Techno doesn't mind me taking these."

It was still 6 o'clock, and Ranboo was pacing back and forth in-front of the portal. "God Ranboo dont be such a pansy, jump in already!" He puffed out his chest, closed his eyes, and started running forward into the portal.

He felt his body warp shape, molding and stretching like putty. It wasn't painful per-say but it was a strange sensation.

He then landed on a surface made of blood-colored, rough stone. Ranboo got up and brushed himself off.

"So, this is the nether huh? It...isn't THAT bad." He looked around and found a trail of cobblestone which he decided to follow, assuming it was left by Phil, Tommy or Wilbur. Most likely Tommy though due to the boy's strange obsession with that block.

Ranboo briskly followed the stone path, unnerved by the environment around him. Despite how hard he was trying to ignore it, the strange red fungus and trees along with the particles they emitted did freak the poor hybrid out. He slid down a hill, pushing through a clump of fungus to find a cobblestone staircase that led up the side of a maroon brick wall. It had a plethora of red vines creeping up on it along with various cracks and chips, the structure looked like it was untouched for a while.

Despite the voice in Ranboo's head screaming at him to run a way, he swallowed his fears and headed up the makeshift stairs. He pulled himself over the brick ledge, and was immediately met with a swarm of blazes over to his left. He realized this must be a nether fortress. However to Ranboo's surprise the blazes didn't attack him, instead they seemed to be all focused on something in the center of them.

He quickly grabbed a water splash potion from his utility belt and tossed it, scattering the blazes. A disoriented and slightly burnt looking Phil stumbled to his feet, noticing Ranboo and immediately pulling him into one of the pillars on this strange structure. He then quickly boarded up the entrance with cobblestone before the blazes could regroup and attack them.

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now