Chapter 9

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TW: A very small amount of violence. Like no blood is mentioned or anything. Also ✨angst

Ranboo had been getting a lot more comfortable with his new family. Adventuring in the nether with them, talking about his past with Phil and helping Tommy with his own experiences. However there still was a small feeling in his gut keeping him away. The fear of hurting them. Sure, Phil knew about his enderman instincts and somewhat violent tendencies, he's known that from the start and yet still adopted him. That was always baffling to Ranboo. However the thing that put him on edge was that the others didn't. His new family, his new friends Tubbo and Fundy, the other adults around him, none.

Ranboo felt like an imposter in his own body.

"Ranboo?" Wilbur snapped Ranboo out of his own mind.

"Oh! Sorry...I was just dissociating a bit there."

Wilbur hummed in acknowledgment. " you have a two or not?"

"Oh, no, go fish." Wilbur swiped a card from the pile. "Got a two, nice." He paired up the cards and sat then in-front of him. Before Ranboo could take his turn Phil walked into the living room.

"Hey guys get ready, we're heading over to Tubbo's place in a bit remember?" Phil"s booming voice scared Enderchest the cat, who jumped from his usual hiding spot and curled up near his legs. The hybrid scooped the kitten up.

"Heh, still can't believe Tubbo and Tommy actually named a cat Enderchest." Wilbur snickered, glancing over at the clump of fur Ranboo was cradling in his arms.

Ranboo shrugged. "I mean, I think it's cute." He says Enderchest down on the floor before he scurried away towards Phil, rubbing against his ankles and demanding affection, which Phil gave into. Despite his hesitance towards the former alley cat at first, he eventually warmed up to him.

"Well, I'm gonna go change into my bathing suit, see ya'." Ranboo sighed. Why did it have to be a pool party? He knew summer was starting but still. He knew he would have to sit on the side, watching everyone have fun from a distance like an awkward wallflower. If only he wasn't part enderman...

"Hey bud, you gonna change or what?" Ranboo looked down awkwardly. "Oh, do you not have a bathing suit? I can get Eret to-"

"Phil, I'm an enderman, why would I own a bathing suit?"

"Oh...right..sorry." Phil stood there in awkward silence for a moment before continuing. "So, are you coming? You can stay at the house if you want."

Ranboo shrugged. "I'll go, it'll be nice to hang out with Tubbo."

Their car pulled up at Tubbo's house where a lady around Phil's age was waiting outside. She was in a pair of green overalls with a white blouse underneath. Tommy excitedly hopped out of the car, followed by Wilbur, Techno, then Ranboo. The lady walked over to their car, greeting Phil as he got out.

"Nice to see you again Phil!" She turned to Ranboo as he followed along with the others towards the house. "Oh! You must be Ranboo, aren't you that hybrid Phil adopted?" Ranboo turned around to face her. "I've heard very nice things from Tubbo y'know? I'm Tubbo's aunt by the way, but you can call me Mrs.Niki."

"Oh really? That's nice...Tubbo is...nice?" Ranboo had always found small talk to be uncomfortable. Especially with your friend's parents. After all they know way more about you then you do them most of the time. The lady seemed nice though, so he tried to let his guard down.

"Why don't you boys follow me to the back? Tubbo's waiting over there."

The brothers, followed by Phil, all went behind the house and through the white picket gate to the back, where the pool was. It seemed way too fancy for Ranboo's liking. It was built around a seemingly artificial boulder, which had a waterfall flowing into the water below. There was also a slide imbedded into the stone.

Tommy pushed ahead, cannon balling into the water. Tubbo was already in the pool and unfortunately in the blast radius of Tommy's splash.

"Tommy! You didn't put on sunscreen!" Phil sighed. "Whatever, Wilbur come here and put some on. And Techno, you're literally from the nether so you're fine." Tommy's head soon emerged from the water, wet clumps of his bangs clinging to his forehead as he swept them aside with his hand.

The day continued on, Ranboo got to meet Tubbo's other aunt, Mrs.Puffy, who apparently is a pediatric therapist. Watching everyone from the sidelines was fairly lonely. Techno was there but he mostly kept to himself, reading a book called 'Journey to the West'.

Tubbo hopped out of the water and ran over to the table where Ranboo was sitting before grabbing a slice of watermelon. "How you holding up boss-man?" He beckoned.

Ranboo simply shrugged. "Fine I guess. When are you all planning on getting out of the water?"

"Probably like an hour." He said, muffled between bites of melon, "If you want you can sit near the pool and talk to us. We promise not to get water on you."

Ranboo smiled. "I'd like that, thanks." The two walked over and Ranboo sat on the side with his knees crossed. He listened in to whatever mind-numbing debate Tommy and Wilbur were having. They seemingly were arguing on whatever the worst animal was. Wilbur was making a strong case for the Giant Anteater, while Tommy was insisting it was the Raccoon but only because he was compared to them so often.

Once Tommy realized he had been bested in what was quite possibly the dumbest debate ever, he instead waded over to Tubbo to wreak even more havoc.

"Hey Tubs!" He called, "Look I caught a bee, you wanna see?" Tubbo excitedly paddled over. Tommy had his fists half underneath the water and cupped together in a particular manner. The oldest trick in the book. Once Tubbo's face was hovering over the impromptu-cup, Tommy made his move. He squeezed his hands together, squirting water into the boy's eyes.

"DANGIT! How did I fall for that!?" Wilbur watched from a distance, chuckling to himself.

"Hey Tommy!" The curly haired boy called, "Look over here!" Tommy turned around, only to find Wilbur performing the second oldest trick in the book. He was holding a pool noodle like a trumpet, also halfway under the water. When he blew into it it sent a jet of water cascading into Tommy's face. Karma.

Tommy started paddling away but Wilbur continued to fire. Ranboo didn't realize how close Tommy was getting until he was caught in the crossfire. He screeched in pain and did something he didn't even know he could do. He teleported a few feet away out of shock.

Wilbur pulled himself out of the water, slowly approaching Ranboo, who was panting and making small enderman noises. "You okay dude!? I'm so sorry..."

Techno got out of his seat. "Wilbur. Don't." The curly haired boy rested a shoulder on Ranboo in an attempt to comfort him, and then made the biggest mistake he possibly could of. Looking into the boy's eyes.

Without realizing what he was doing Ranboo blindly slashed, sending Wilbur backwards as he yelped in pain.

Particles enveloped Ranboo as he felt himself teleport yet again.

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now