Chapter 11

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Things have been strange, to say the least, now that Ranboo learned of his enderman powers. Everybody in the family was trying to crack the code on how it could be triggered. The only conclusion they could come to, however, is that he can teleport when under immense stress. Though that isn't exactly very practical in a fight.

"You must remain composed in a fight" Techno would always tell him, "You need to look for the weakest point in your enemy. Being overwhelmed by fear or anger will blind you though, you need to channel that emotion into your blade and keep it out of your head". Ranboo didn't exactly understand what Techno was on about, but he listened anyways.

For now, Ranboo simply had to reassure himself, he'd figure the whole teleporting thing out eventually. Rome wasn't built in a day after all.

The ear-splitting sound of two metal swords clanking pierced the air. Ranboo watched as Tommy and Wilbur sparred, The former looking much more focused and precise than usual. Maybe Techno and Phil's extra training really did help after all, despite what Tommy insisted when he had to get up at 6 am for sword practice.

Techno sat beside the enderman hybrid, his thumbs twiddling with boredom. Ran on did a similar thing, fidgeting with the hilt of his sword. Another clang could be heard, then the thump of Tommy falling on his back.

Wilbur couldn't help but gloat over his victory. "Hah! I beat the child yet again!"

"Shit up bitch! You got lucky that's all!" Wilbur just laughed, pushing away the boy with his hand as Tommy tried but failed to tackle him. While most parents would intervene if their kids were to fight, Phil wasn't most parents. He insisted that kids should be able to work out disputes on their own.

Techno sat up. "Ranboo, I've been meaning to tell you something." Ranboo looked up, intrigued. "Tommy and I came up with a new idea on how to train you."

Tommy looked up from his scuffle with Wilbur. "Oh yeah! It's super pog, we should try it now!" Tommy rushed inside the house. The clatter of things being knocked over could be heard, along with a couple of hisses from Enderchest. Then Tommy rushed back over, an open cardboard box in his grip. Inside was a toy now along with toy arrows to accompany it.

Ranboo stared at the box, puzzled. "Uhh, how is this supposed to help me teleport again?"

"Well, have you ever noticed how when you try and shoot an enderman with a bow it teleports away? Well, you're the enderman!"

"So you're gonna shoot me with toy arrows until I teleport?"

Techno shrugged. "I don't know, Tommy made it sound like a good plan."

Ranboo stood awkwardly, back facing a tree and eyes shut. "Alright Toms, whenever you're ready."

Tommy reeled back the bowstring, it releasing a creaking hiss. "One, two, three!"

The dull plastic arrow whirred through the air.

Then, it reached Ranboo.

The pathetic piece of plastic bounded off of Ranboo's leg. Ranboo opened his eyes. "Well, that sure didn't work."

Tommy groaned in childish frustration. "Dammit!" He threw his bow to the ground, the thing bounding and tumbling downhill and into a small and shallow cave opening. The three glanced over in unison. "Well great, my day keeps on getting better and better."

"Don't worry I can get it!" Ranboo called, already making his way towards the bottom of the hill. Techno was going to stop him, but after realizing the enderman had a sword on him, he halted. In his mind, the sword was more than enough to stop any zombies Ranboo might encounter.

Ranboo stopped at the cave entrance, ducking a bit to walk inside and retrieve the toy. The air was cold and the floor was wet and slippery. Ranboo shuffled around, trying to find the lost bow.

His foot hit something hard. The bow. He reached down to grab it, but free unbalanced and tumbled forward, the slippery ground carrying him. He didn't even realize how much the cave swooped downwards until he was sent tumbling into the abyss. He screamed out of genuine fear. A muffled cry of his name could be heard from the surface.

Ranboo slid downwards for about 25 or so seconds before coming to a halt. The air around him had a strange, slightly off odor. Something was surrounding Ranboo, a strange texture. It stuck out of the ground like grass but was hard and firm. Ranboo raised his arm, and to his surprise, the grass-like plant started to...wiggle?

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the cavern, making Ranboo's blood run cold.

...the thing was massive

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now