Chapter 4

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AUTHORS NOTE: Wow, this is getting a lot of views for something I compulsively started. But in all seriousness, I'm glad some people are enjoying this book!

TW: Violence, no blood is mentioned though

He was backing forward slowly, scooting on his bottom to get away from the thing in front of him. It looked around 7 feet tall, with half black half white skin. It had goblin-like ears and one red and one green eyes.

He pressed his back against the wall, shivering in fear. His clothes were torn open, attacked and scraped by the beast. It let out a low mumble, then grabbed him by the shoulders. It's jaw unhinged. Suddenly he noticed a knife by his hand. Quickly he picked it up and grabbed it, then blindly slashed at its face.

He doubled over in pain. Why could he feel it's pain.

The world went dark

Ranboo woke up in a cold sweat, trembling. He'd been at Phil's house for a week and this was the third time he had a nightmare. The first two were the same...but this one. It was different. He sighed, wondering when these nightmares would finally pass like Phil promised. Ranboo begrudgingly got out of his bed and dragged himself over to his closet where he put on one of his uniforms from the orphanage, it was the only clothes he owned after all. Suddenly there was a loud series of knocks on his door.

"Ranboo man, hurry up and get ready!" Ranboo groaned, quickly hurrying to the door.

"I'm coming Tommy I'm coming!" He pushed open his door and ignored the impatient looking Tommy as he passed.

"Hey Ranboo, I see Tommy already woke you up?" Phil said, taking another sip from his tea on the couch. Ranboo nodded, rubbing his eyes. Ranboo averted Phil's gaze, still feeling awkward around him after he walked in Ranboo having a breakdown in the bathroom just a few days prior. Phil noticed this and quietly sighed.

"Well I was already up, Tommy just kinda yelled at me to hurry. You guys said I had to get up early for a family bonding thing today right?"

"Yeah Ranboo, we're fuckin' training today!" Tommy yelled as he ran down the hallway towards him. "Using weapons an' shit!"

Phil sighed. "Jeez Tommy language, we've talked about this." He sat down his tea on the coffee table then got up from his seat. "But yeah since you're part of the family now you get included in family training sessions! Lemme go get dressed properly first, I'll meet you all outside."

"Well when I heard family bonding..." Ranboo gazed at their backyard, astonished by the size of the parkour course and sand pit, "I definitely wasn't expecting this."

Tommy grabbed Ranboo's shoulder and pulled him in. "Well, this is the Minecraft family way! We are adventurers after all!"

"Woah, adventurers?"

"Yeah, that's Dadza's job and because of that we get in on it. Or atleast Will and Techno do, I have to stay home and train because I'm too young or something!"

"I told you I'd let you come on the next mission!" Phil said, emerging from the sliding door. He was wearing a green Naomi instead of his usual hoodie, but still had his bucket hat on. Wilbur quickly followed. He was wearing a brown trench coat and a black beanie.

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now