Chapter 6

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Ranboo sat on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. His eyes followed the ceiling fan around every spin. Everything around him felt fuzzy, disconnected almost. He was snapped out of his trance by a knocking on the door. He quickly remembered he was supposed to wait for Tubbo to show up so he could let him in. He then hurried to the door.

"Hey boss man!" Tubbo said happily. "Haven't seen you in a while! I came to see Tommy, I heard he wasn't feeling well. Oh! I brought him a get well soon card!" The goat boy handed over a slightly scuffed but still well meaning drawing of him and Tommy.

"Oh, thanks. I think Tommy'll like it." Tubbo slipped past him and into the living-room, seemingly heading for Tommy's room. Ranboo followed. "So, how's Tommy doing anyways?"

"He...he's doing better. Pretty alert actually, just can't walk around much. No matter how much he insists he can get around fine."

"Great! That means he'll be able to see my pog drawing!" Tubbo quickened his pace and bursted into Tommy's room.

Tommy shot up. "I told you to knock first you piece of- oh, Tubbo!" Techno looked over two, he was sitting on a stool next to his bed. Tubbo hesitated at first, eying the bandages on Tommy's abdomen. But after a bit he moved forward and handed over the card.

"Dad! Tubbo's here!"

A weird feeling stirred in Ranboo's stomach, he couldn't quite identify it.

Phil walked in. "Thanks son. Hey Tubbo!"

It tightened his chest like a knot, weighing him down. As the conversation continued between the group, Ranboo felt almost distant. They weren't being rude or anything, it was just happening. Ranboo got up and left. He slumped down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and burying his face in it.

"Uhh, sup boss man. You feeling alright?"

" you always call me that." Ranboo said through muffled tones. Tubbo sat down next to him.

"Well you've been seeming kinda off this morning. What's up?" Ranboo shrugged.

"Bold of you to assume I actually know what my emotions mean. I mean...I feel weird I guess??"

"Hmmm...oh I know!" Tubbo got up and by the sound of his footsteps he seemingly went into the dining room. Ranboo sat up and watched as the short boy pulled in a stool twice his size, then sat it by the couch. "It's Tubbo therapy time."

"Uhhh, what?"

"Well my Aunt Puffy's a therapist so I basically know it all! Now patient Ranboo, tell me how you're feeling." He said as he pulled out a notepad and a pen from nowhere, even though he can't even read.

Ranboo sighed, deciding just to play along with this weird game of his. "Weird, y'know? I don't know how to describe it. Awkward almost? Also lonely."

"Do you think this was stirred on by Tommy getting hurt? Maybe you're still shaken up from the nether." Ranboo shook his head.

"No it's not that. It all started when...Techno called Phil dad."

"Go on."

"And it's happened before. Like that time Phil and Wilbur reminisced over getting ice cream together during Father's Day. Or when Tommy called Techno the 'best big bro ever'." Ranboo curled his knees against his chest and hugged his pillow.

Tubbo thought to himself for a moment before continuing. "Yeah...I think I get it now! When I first moved in with my Aunt and Auntie, I felt really weird around them. Really isolated y'know? But I eventually took the initiative to talk to her about more personal my dad. But then after that we got a lot closer!"

Ranboo paused for a moment. What was he hiding?


"Are you sure that's a good idea!? I don't want to dump all of my problems onto someone I've known for like three weeks! I mean I kinda did that in the beginning but I really regret it!"

"Do it! Talk about your emotions!!" It was hard to tell if Tubbo was joking at this point,

Ranboo got up. "Okay, fine, I will!" He stomped off, walking over to Tommy's room. Phil was arguing with Tommy as he tried to get up out of bed. Techno and WIlbur simply watched the chaos unfold. Any semblance of confidence he had faded away as everyone turned to face him once he shut the door.

"Ummm, Phil? Can I talk to you real quick? In private?"

"Yeah sure." He turned to face Tommy. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, m'kay?" Tommy nodded and Phil followed Ranboo out of the room, heading towards the enderman's quarters. They then sat down on the foot of the bed.

"So," Phil beckoned, "What did you want to talk about?"

Ranboo struggled to find the right words. "I've been feeling really disconnected from you guys, y'know? You aren't being mean or cruel or anything like that, but I guess I've just been having a hard time opening up.

Phil placed a reassuring hand on the hybrid's shoulder. "Look Ranboo, when I first saw you I knew you'd be a great addition to our family. No matter how scared or hesitant you are, just know we'll always love you."

Ranboo stopped. He moved Phil's hand away from him. "When you adopted was only because of a fluke. You- you pity me Phil, you saw me and you felt bad so you took me in. You thought I was miserable!"

"Ranboo I-"

"My forms! My behavior logs! Did you even read through them!?"

"Staring contest Ranboo, let's go! Me and you!" Ranboo chuckled and smiled, just happy that someone was starting to warm up to him.

"Phil- you- you don't know what I did!!"

The hybrid felt rage boil deep inside him, a primal urge tugging at his chords, clawing to be free.

"I mean, even I barely know!"

Blood soaked his claws as he continued to slash, red tainting his vision. He could barely hear the screams over the blood roaring in his ears.

"I'm a monster Phil, a monster! I can't let myself get comfortable, I don't want to hurt you Phil!!"

Before he knew it a cold, searing pain sliced through his white ear, making its way to the corner of his lip. He let out an other-worldly shriek and stumbled backwards.

"Ranboo mate calm down!" Phil begged. "Deep breaths." Ranboo didn't even notice the tears singing his cheeks. The avian sighed. "I- I read the papers Ranboo, I read them. That doesn't matter though, I know you're a good kid at heart." He pulled the boy into a hug. "Does this have anything to do with your nightmares by any chance?"

Ranboo shrugged. "Kinda. I guess they were remembering what happened? I couldn't recall much about what happened before I moved in with you guys. I don't know it's weird."

Phil slid away from the embrace. "Well then maybe that's just you opening up. Not just to us, but to yourself. It's important to be honest about your feelings."

Ranboo couldn't help but smile. "Thanks dad."

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now