Chapter 8

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TW: Childhood trauma, homelessness

Ranboo opened his eyes, startled from a nightmare he had just had. It had been two weeks since he last had one, which was good in his book. He quickly got dressed and stumbled into the kitchen, finding the rest of his family plus Tubbo already up and eating. Tubbo turned to face him and waved.

"G'morning boss man!"

"Hey Tubbo, why are you here so early?"

"Oh, my aunt dropped me off so I could hang out for the day!"

Ranboo sat down at the table. They had a session of drowsy small talk, still trying to wake up. Ranboo took another bite of his beef sausage (as not to offend Techno) then spoke. " you guys have any plans for today?" The question was directed mostly at Tommy and Tubbo.

"Well, me and Tubbo were planning on heading out into town!"

Phil sighed. "Tommy, you're still recovering. If you want to go you need an adult present."

"Oh come on! Adults just really cramp my style."

Ranboo put his hands up in an attempt to calm the worked up teen. "It's fine! We can have fun in the backyard, right?"

And there they were, the trio standing awkwardly in the backyard, not knowing what to do.

Ranboo spoke first. "We can go on the obsta-"

"Can't do that."

Tubbo piped up. "We could play ta-"

"Can't do that." Tommy plopped himself onto the grass in defeat. Tubbo sat down beside him.

"Don't worry big man! Phil said you'd be better in a week, right?"

Tommy groaned in annoyance. "But that's so long! And it's been two weeks, everything's just so boring! I know I only have one more week left then I'm good but still!!"

"Maybe I can find something interesting to do?" Ranboo suggested. Tommy just gave a half-hearted shrug in response. The enderman hybrid walked off, deciding to check inside the shed in hopes of finding something. As he opened the door and gazed into the inky blackness, he was taken aback by a pair of amber eyes staring back at him. Ranboo yelped in surprise.

"You okay over there big man?" Tubbo called. The creature slinked out out of the shed cautiously like a piece of the shadows was chipped off. A black scruffy looking kitten.. It was surprisingly friendly, rubbing against Ranboo's leg. He cautiously squatted down next to it and managed to scoop the scrawny thing up. He turned around to find Tubbo and Tommy behind him.

"What's the holdup- KITTY!" The brunette squealed excitedly, reaching out and petting the young kitten. Tommy just stared at it, still behind Tubbo. "Oh! We should name it! Tommy what do you think?"

Tommy was noticeably uncomfortable at the sight of the kitten. "I- uh- shed cat."

"Tommy I'm gonna be honest with you you're shit at naming. Also why are you so freaked out by a cat man?"

Tommy gulped. "Nothing, it's nothing, it's fine. It just reminds me of someone I guess." The two just stared at each other in confusion.

"I think we should name it Bee."

"Of course you do Tubbo." Ranboo teased. "We should probably get it inside, poor thing looks like it's been out here for a while."

Ranboo started walking towards the house, Tubbo and Tommy following close behind. He slid the mesh door open and walked inside, greeted by Techno and Wilbur on the couch.

Techno spoke first. " that a cat Ranboo." Wilbur whipped his head around.

"Where'd you guys find that thing!?"

"Oh, I found it in the shed. Do you guys have anything we can feed it? It seems really thin y'know?"

While Techno searched through cabinets for any cat-friendly food, the rest played with the kitten. All except for Tommy, who kept his distance. They also learned the cat wasn't an "it" but a "he".

"Woah!" Tubbo laughed, "This cat can really jump!" The black kitten managed to leap on top of the house's enderchest in one bound, surprising everyone. He seemed comfortable up there, purring and nuzzling into a bagel-like position.

Techno walked over, holding a freshly opened can of tuna. "I found some tuna, it's the closest thing I could get to cat food." The piglin sat the metal can next to the kitten, who eagerly began to dig in. Out of the corner of his eye Ranboo watched Tommy get up and walk away towards his room. Something inside Ranboo told him to follow his brother, and so he did.

Tommy closed his door behind him right as Ranboo reached it. He hesitated out of anxiety for a moment but eventually gathered the courage to knock.

"Umm, can I come in?" No response. Ranboo went in anyways and found Tommy laying face down on his red bedsheets. "Is this a bad time?" A muffled yes could be heard. Ranboo sat down on the bed anyways. "So, uhh, what's wrong?" Ranboo wasn't the best at confronting or comforting people, most likely due to his social anxiety.

Tommy turned his head to the side, revealing his face. "I hate that fucking cat."

"W-what!? Are you allergic? Why are you so worked up over it?" Tommy sighed.

"It- it's like looking in a fucking mirror and I hate it! I want that thing gone!"

"...what do you mean?"

The seven year old was running through the woods, mud soaking his hole covered boots and rain sprinkling his ragged shirt. He needed to find shelter, and fast. He didn't want to get sick from the cold. The last time he did he wasn't able to get food for himself and almost starved. The boy eventually stumbled upon a clearing.

An open field, with a decently sized cabin on the other side of it. He dashed towards it, hoping there would be some sort of shelter near it. The rain soaked him even more when he was out in the open but he tried his best to ignore it. Once he was at the cabin he noticed a shed which he ran over to. Quickly he fidgeted with the handle. It was unlocked. He rushed inside and collapsed onto the musty floorboards and shaking from exhaustion. He couldn't remember the last time that he ate, not that it mattered anyways. He'd likely be able to find some scraps here. Before he knew it he was asleep.

"Wilbur did you leave the shed open last night?" A voice called. It got closer, and soon it was obvious that the man was inside. "...Oh my god. Wilbur get over here!"

"Tommy, I-" Ranboo didn't know what to say. "Are- are you okay?"

Tommy shrugged, pulling himself into a sitting position. "Nah I'm good. As long as I don't think about it I'm fine."

Ranboo sat there silently. Then, he pulled Tommy into a hug. The blond flinched in surprise. "If you need to talk just tell me. You are my brother after all."

Tommy smiled. Not a forced smile to put up a shield, but a genuine one this time.

found family hurt comfort for the soul

Also in Ranboo Adoption AUs I'm tired of people only giving Ranboo character development and giving him the most minimal character development possible so I'm doing it myself ❤️💕💞💖💗💓

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