Chapter 12

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TW: Kind of gore? I mean Ranboo shanks a bitch does that count?

Ranboo's breath hitched as he starred up at the eldritch being in front of him. It was pitch black, the only thing making it stand out from the inky dark around it was its tan arms and slight aqua highlights. It also had an exposed, glowing teal stomach, lined with ribs. The greenish fungus surrounding Ranboo squirmed, which caused the two tentacles upon the sides of the beast's head to wiggle as well. This seemed to set the beast off.

As it approached he could see the true size of this thing. At least four meters tall, with bulky arms way too long for its already massive body. Ranboo's stomach knotted at the sight of it, and he let out an enderman-like shriek.

The slow approach soon turned into a full-on charge, and Ranboo barely had enough time to roll away. Every bit of the fungus he touched writhed, which seemed to let the beast know where he was going. Ranboo quickly got up and dashed in a different direction. The thuds of the beast's steps seemed to shake the entire cavern, the sound echoing off the walls.

No matter how fast Ranboo ran it seemed the beast only got closer and closer. And the dim lighting of the cavern didn't help his situation much, the only light was illuminating from the glowing lichen that occasionally dotted the walls.

A towering stalagmite caught his eye. He figured that maybe he could climb it to temporarily evade the beast's grasp. And so he did, using his remaining strength to keep into the sir then wrapping his body around the pillar. He scooted up it, reaching the top before the beast reached the base of it.

Ranboo huffed. It was at this point he truly realized what a predicament he was in. That was when he truly started to panic. The beast started using its oversized arms as sledgehammers, repeatedly swinging them back and forth which slowly began to chip away at the stalagmite.

Ranboo's breath quickened and he clung tighter to the stalagmites.

"Dad...Wilbur..." He whimpered, "Techno...god if he was in my shoes he'd probably be out of here by now..." His breath staggered as tears started to form and his body started to shake. It was hard to tell if he was shaking out of fear or if it was just the stalagmites being broken down.

"Techno...what would he do in my situation." His mismatched eyes glanced down at the beast.

You must remain composed in a fight

He noticed how the beast never seemed startled by his presence as if it could tell Ranboo wasn't a threat.

You need to look for the weakest point in an enemy

The beast continued chipping away at the base of the stalagmites, soon it would be broken and he would fall. Maybe he could do the same?

Being overwhelmed by fear or anger will blind you though,

"That's it. Okay, I just need to calm down. Act rational Ranboo, rational!" He took deep breathes to steady his breathing. Then, he looked down at the beast. A pebble chipped away from Ranboo's foot, which caused its 'ears' to wiggle.

"Those tentacle things, they sense noise don't they? Or maybe vibration? It doesn't have eyes or anything...oh! That must be how it sees!" The beast turned back to him and had another go at the stalagmites.

Ranboo pulled out the blade that he thankfully had on him from training earlier. "If I cut them off, I can blind it!" He shifted into a semi-standing position, looking down at the beast.

Then, he leaped off and clung to the thing's shoulders. It went into panic mode, trying to swing Ranboo off. But the enderman hybrid didn't waver, instead, he raised his sword in the air. Then, with one clean slice, he cut off one of the two tentacles. This made the beast panic more and release a particularly violent swing.

This sent Ranboo flying. He slammed into a wall, then crumbled to the floor. The impact knocked the end out of him, and he was curled up, gasping for air. Even while half-blind, the beast still managed to locate him. It charged towards him.

"No, no, no. Shit!"

You need to channel that emotion into your blade and keep it out of your head

Ranboo finally understood. He stood up and faced the beast. Then, with the confidence of a thousand warriors, he charged forward.

Purple particles enveloped him, and soon enough he vanished. He then reappeared behind the beast. It was clearly confused, after all it couldn't track Ranboo's vibration if he teleported. Then, he ran up the thing's back and sliced off the other tentacle.

It was now completely blind. Ranboo took his chance and ran to the front of the beast. He shoved his weird through the exposed abdomen. The beast shrieked in pain before crumbling to the ground. The lights on its body flicker before completely going out.

Ranboo collapsed out of the sheer adrenaline crash he was experiencing, his muscles finally untensing. He was still conscious, just tired.

The familiar sound of flapping wings could be heard, along with the flickering of a torch from the tunnel Ranboo came from. He looked upwards.

"Dad...?" A flash of green haori could be seen running down the cavern towards him.

"Shit! Ranboo are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Ranboo shook his head. "Dont think so. Just...fucking tired." Ranboo tried getting up, but his legs buckled and he began to fall to the ground. Thankfully, Phil was there to catch him. Phil then helped the boy to his feet.

"'re crying." He didn't even notice the stream of tears until they were mentioned.

"Oh, guess I was holding them in for so long they just came out." Ranboo chuckled, but Phil just looked at him worryingly. The man's eyes wandered over to the dead beast. His breath hitched at the sight, but he didn't mention it to avoid upsetting Ranboo further.

"Lets just get you home mate." He swung Ranboo's black arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

Ranboo Adoption AU (A SBI Fic)Where stories live. Discover now