Chapter 7

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"Phil..." Ranboo groaned, haphazardly stumbling across the kitchen. "Why are we getting up so early? It's like 6 am."

Phil plopped his signature bucket hat on his head. "Well, I thought it was about time for a father son bonding day!"

"Father...and son." Those words made Ranboo feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Yeah! Let's do that!" Phil smiled.

"Glad you think so. Now I was thinking we could walk over town and maybe get you some clothes. After all you've been wearing nothing but those orphanage uniforms this whole time."

Ranboo looked down at his button up shirt. "I guess you're right."

"Well, glad that's settled! It's around a 5 minute walk from here to town square so I was thinking we could just do that." Ranboo nodded, and after gathering a few things they were off.

The noise of the large crowds stressed Ranboo out. He kept as close to Phil as possible as they pushed their way through the ocean of people. One thing Ranboo liked about the town though was the amount of hybrids. It made Ranboo feel more comfortable, like he wasn't as much of an outcast as he originally thought. He then felt a light pull on his wrist as he was guided out of the crowd and towards the entrance of a building.

"Here we are." Ranboo looked up to read the name of the place. Eret's Boutique.

As they entered they were greeted by a tall figure with brown hair, sunglasses, and a long and slender purple tail lined with something that almost looked like bone. "Hey Phil, how's it going?"

"Eret, nice to see you again!"

"So, is he the owner of the place?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah that's Eret, they've owned it for quite a while actually. Oh Eret! This is our newest member of the family, Ranboo. We were looking to get him a few outfits since he doesn't really own much clothing."

"Nice to meet you Ranboo. Now, let's look around a bit and we'll see if there's something you like." Eret led Ranboo around as they looked through the different outfits. They searched through sweaters, t-shirts, dresses and more.

"You know, this seems pretty cool." Ranboo said, picking up a Hawaiian shirt. It was cyan with a pink flamingo pattern on it.

Eret looked over his shoulder. "Good choice, good choice. Flamingos are my favorite animal after all!" Ranboo decided to pick out one more Hawaiian shirt before moving on. He eventually wandered over to the jeans, finding a style he liked but unable to find his size.

"Hmm, maybe there's some in the back." Eret pointed over to a gray door at the back of the store. "Knock on that door over there and show Fundy the jeans, he'll be able to find it for you." Ranboo nodded and headed to the back of the store before knocking on the door. No one answered, however the soft hum of music could be heard from the other side. Ranboo just opened the unlocked door and found a fox-hybrid splayed out on some boxes, bobbing his head to the music he had playing on his phone.

"Whatcha listening to?" Noticing the door open he jumped up, taking some of the boxes with him.

"Boss I'm working I pro- oh, you're not boss." The fox-hybrid got up and brushed himself off. "It's cavetown by the way."

"Anyways...Eret sent me back here. They told me you could find this in my size. You're Fundy right?" The hybrid nodded and took the jeans from Ranboo's hands. He inspected the tag before wandering off to a shelf. Ranboo told him his size and he went searching through the boxes, his tail flicking side to side.

"Ahah! Got it." He passed the jeans over to Ranboo. "Well I have some restocking to do, see ya around!" Fundy grabbed a few boxes and hurried out, pushing ahead of Ranboo. The enderman hybrid hurried back with the jeans.

"Oh good, you got it. Glad Fundy finally made himself useful for once!" Eret said with a playful tone. "Anyways, why don't we look for some shoes?"

Ranboo's eyes wandered down the shoe aisle until something caught his eye. "Woah, shoes with wheels!?" He ran over to his new-found discovery. "I didn't know this was a thing!"

"Yeah, they're called heelys." Phil chuckled behind him. "We're...not getting them though. They aren't exactly practical. Besides, I don't think they come in your size." Ranboo sighed. He continued walking around until he was suddenly pulled aside by an unknown figure.

Ranboo was greeted by a familiar voice. "Hey, uhh, lanky guy, I heard you like heelys?" Said Fundy.

"Yeah...why are you pulling me aside like a drug dealer?"

"Well then follow me!" He used his clawed hands to pull Ranboo by the sleeve, into the storage room. They walked over to one of the towering shelves and Fundy began to scale it like a scuffed jungle gym. "You see boss tells me to use a ladder, says it's cause he doesn't wanna get fined by OSHA or something like that, but it's just natural for fox-hybrids to climb!" As he climbed a few small boxes tumbled downwards, which Ranboo had to dodge while he stood below.

Fundy then leaped down with a plain looking box in his grip. "Found it!" He handed over the box to Ranboo, who looked inside. What he found in that box could only be described as a blunder of god.

"You see I made them as a birthday gift for boss, since platform heels are his favorite. But he didn't like em for some reason! So I just kinda kept them here. You can have them if you want."

" hot glued wheels to the heels of platform boots...?"

"Yup! I call them platform heelies where heelys is spelled differently to avoid copyright infringement. Cool right?"

"Well...if they're free...Phil has to let me keep them! Thanks Fundy!" He said, hurrying off.

"No problem guy I just met!"

"It's Ranboo!"

"No problem Ranbo!"

"Close enough!"

"What in the ever-loving hell are those?" Tommy was slumped over on the couch, watching Ranboo slide back and forth in the living room.

"They're platform heelys!"

"That's stupid as he-" Tubbo elbowed him in the side.

"Tommy, respect the drip!" Phil watched from the dining room, sipping on his tea.

"You really let him keep those? Those monstrosities Fundy cobbled together?" Said Techno.

"Well, if it makes Ranboo happy then it's fine by me." He took another sip. "Besides, it was free after all."

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