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Ranboo wrapped his fingers around the white plastic handle and slid open the back door. Enderchest poked his head up from his cat bed, watching as the enderman hybrid slid into the glow of the early dawn. The air was cold and fresh, slightly wet from mist. He walked across the spruce deck, then hopped down to the grass.

The early morning dew soaked through his tennis shoes and into his socks. Ranboo paid no mind to it, continuing to walk across the lawn and towards the forest.

After pushing through a line of milkweed and dock that served as a border between the lawn and the forest, he let himself slip into the woods. Early morning walks were common for him, they helped settle his mind.

The familiar trickle of the nearby creek met his ears, and he walked along his usual path to meet it. He leaped up onto a rock that peered over the water and sat down. Ranboo closed his eyes and let the sounds envelop him. The clicks and pangs of green-frogs, the buzzing of various bugs, and the rushing of water.

He opened his eyes and looked down at his reflection. Funny how only a year ago, that was all he was. His black and white skin, his mismatched eyes, and the long scar that stretched from his white split ear to the corner of his lip.

He was a menace leeching off of other people's tax dollars.

But now, as cheesy as it sounds, he's more than that. A brother, a son, a friend, an adventurer.

Funny how family will do that to you.

(ahhh I wasn't sure how to end it so take this I guess??? I wrote all the ideas I had planned but never actually thought up an ending. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed my book)

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