•The Slytherin Prince is Gay for Potter•

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Draco Malfoy is a Veela.

He's known this for years but now it's important. Tomorrow is his 17th birthday, the day he'll get his inheritance. He was ready, he'd read all about Veela since he has been on summer break. Veela have mates, like most creatures. They have wings, the colors depend on the mate, because they are there mostly to appeal to their mate. When they find their mate, they'll know instantly. The pain is almost unbearable. Being a Veela comes with a lot of pain. Pain going through the initial inheritance, pain seeing their mate for the first time, pain if their mate rejects them, pain when their mate is in pain, a lot of pain. Of course Draco knew all this, and that is why he is dreading his 17th birthday.

"Hey, Dray you ok?" Blaise, Draco's best friend asked him. Both boys were sitting in Draco's bedroom at the Malfoy Manor. His bedroom is mostly green and silver, the bedding, the posters, the wall color. But he has a little section in his closet that has a few rainbow flags, a Gryffindor red pillow, a picture of Harry Potter, and a little bookshelf for him to read and be himself. Yes, Draco Malfoy the Slytherin Prince is gay, and for Potter.

"Yes, just thinking about tomorrow." Draco answered honestly. "In all honesty, I'm terrified."

"Yea well i would be too," Draco glared at him, "ok, sorry. Look, I'm sure you'll be ok." Blaise said. "So who do you think is your mate?"

"Well, i hope its Potter, but with my luck it's not.'' Draco explained, Blaise was the only one that knew about Draco's crush. "It's going to be a boy, i mean come on-" Blaise cut him off,

"What if it's not? A boy i mean,"

"Um then i-i-" his stuttering got cut off by his mother.

"Hey dears, you should get some sleep, you have a long day tomorrow dragon." Narcissa told them, "Blaise, are you staying over?"

"Uh yes ma'am if that's ok."

"Ok, that's fine. Goodnight boys, and call me Narcissa, Blaise." she winked and walked out.

"Why did she wink?" Draco asked, while Blaise laughed.

"She probably thinks we're dating." Blaise laughed more,

"What!" Draco cried, "Where would she get that idea?"

"I mean i'm here almost everyday, i sleepover a lot, your mother has caught us cuddling as much as i hate to say it, we act like we're dating."

"Ugh, we'll talk to her in the morning, go to bed." Draco and Blaise laid on Draco's bed and fell asleep.


Harry Potter was depressed.

Even though he was at The Borrow, he still had to be with the Dursleys for a month. And at the Dursleys he got beat, treated as a slave, and other things he can't even mention without breaking down. Let's just say he's got damage. Right now he is sitting in Bill and Charlie's old room, he decided it'd be best to have his own room because his nightmares have been getting bad.


"Oh, I didn't know you were coming home this summer. Sorry I'll pack....um and leave, sorry." Harry got up and started packing up his stuff.

"No! You're fine, I'm not staying long. I just wanted to say hi to mum and dad." Charlie said, Harry nodded and sat down. He winced while he sat down, which didn't go unnoticed by Charlie. "What's up? Got a boyfriend?" he smirked before seeing Harry's face. "Oh sorry, uh what happened?"

"My family, they-" he got cut off by a sob.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me." Charlie hugged the now sobbing boy. At this point, Charlie could have guessed what happened. Harry nodded mutely, and continued crying. This went on for about fifteen minutes.

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