•Christmas Break•

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Harry and Draco went into Draco's private room. That over time had become their shared room; Harry's over all the time.
"So, um are you ok?" Draco asked. He knew Harry really wanted a child, he hated that he couldn't give Harry everything he wants.

"Yes why wouldn't I be?" Harry snapped, he was tired of being asked that. He just found out two hours ago that he wasn't pregnant and for some reason everyone wanted to know if he was ok. It was really started to make him mad.

"Because, love, you really wanted a baby. And you didn't get it. Are you really ok? Please tell me," Draco begged.

"Really I'm fine! I don't see what the big deal is. So what we didn't get pregnant our first try? We're seventeen we shouldn't be having a baby anyway. I shouldn't be having a baby with you..." Harry muttered the last part, but Draco heard.

"Why? Because I'm a horrible person? Because my father pushed me into becoming a horrible person? I didn't want that! I wanted to be your friend! If you don't want to be with me just say it!" Draco yelled back.

"I don't want to be with you." Harry said in a very monotone voice, walking to the door. He waved his wand and all of his stuff that was in Draco's room disappeared. Without looking back once he walked out. Draco broke down.


"Hey!" Neville said happily as he sat next to Ron on the common room couch. Ron just grunted in response. "What's wrong?" Neville asked moving a little closer to Ron, making Ron look up at him.

Only then did Ron notice Neville's green eyes. They were amazing; like something Ron has never seen before. They were Ron's favorite color; now. He loved them.
Ron could feel himself slowly leaning in to his friend.

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat. Ron jumped; almost falling off the couch. He looked up to see his long time crush. "Wanna explain?" Blaise asked.

"Um...well, it was..well..." Neville started, "I love you, but I think I also like him? I'm confused; I'm sorry." He said just as some sixth year students came into the common room.

"Let's just go somewhere more private, yeah?" Blaise suggested.

"Our room," Ron said standing up.


Pansy and Hermione have been dating and it's been awesome. Hermione has never felt this before. The pure love and attraction to this girl. Neither girl had ever been this happy.

Neville, Ron and Blaise decided to give a three way relationship a try. It's had it's awkward moments but it's also been pretty great. The little cuddle times they have when everyone is asleep. The picnics by the black lake. The affection. When they're together it's like the world stops and disappears; like it's just them and no one else.

Draco hasn't been out of bed for who knows how long and he hasn't eaten one meal since Harry walked out. He's slowly dying. He can't last without Harry.

Harry hasn't been much better than Draco. Only getting up for some classes, and when he did he didn't look good. His hair was greasy and even more a mess than normal, his eyes lost their sparkle and are now a dull green, his face so pale it was ghostly. He didn't talk to anybody and he barely ate.

Today the first day of Christmas break and no one was happy.

Hermione had to go home to see her parents so she had to leave Pansy.

Ron had to go home because Molly sent a owl saying they had something important to tell the kids so they were expected home for the holidays. So he'd be leaving his wonderful boyfriends.

Harry had to go back to the Dursley's.

And Draco was pretty much dead so he knew his mom would try to help him. He didn't want help; he just wanted to die.


Draco's POV

As I got on the train, I walked into an empty compartment and sat down. Not wanting to talk or interact with anyone, I locked the door.

The whole train ride was quiet thank Merlin. As soon as the train stopped I ran out, pushing through the crowds I saw my mom standing there with some guy.
"Mother," I said hugging her. She smiled at me and the guy standing next to her cleared his throat.

"Hello dear, I hope you had a good year so far?" My mom said and I looked at her like she was crazy. I told her about Harry leaving. She knows it wasn't a good year.

"Um you know it wasn't good. Anyway who's this?" I asked pointing to the guy next to her.

"Oh this is Simon; my husband."


"Harry are you sure you don't want to talk?" Luna Lovegood asked from her seat across from Harry. Hermione is spending time with Pansy and Ron is with his boyfriends; so Harry was sitting alone. Luna saw him and came and sat by him.

"I'm sure," Harry said, closing his eyes trying to get sleep before he goes to his own personal hell.

"I don't think you are." Luna stated, looking out of the window. "But I won't push it. Take a nap; you look like you need it."

A few minutes later Harry spoke up.

"Luna c-can I tell you something?"

"Of course, Harry. Anything." The girl assured him.

"I made a big mistake. Like a really big one. I left the love of my life because of a stupid fight. I mean of course I wanted a kid, but it wasn't worth losing him. I'm just so stupid and sorry that I messed up but he won't talk to me, at all." Harry ranted as Luna listened to every word.

"Ok, you need to talk. No matter what he say. Explain. Tell him you love him and your sorry. Tell him the truth." Luna said, smiling softly at the older boy. Since Luna is dating Ginny, the blonde thinks of Harry as her older brother, as does Ginny.

Harry nodded and smiled at her.  "Your right thanks Luna! I'm glad Ginny has you." Harry exclaimed, standing to hug her and sit back down. He decided to figure out a plan.

A special date? No. A gift? Maybe. But what kind of gift? Jewelry? A house? A bunch of candles and stuff? A song? A song. A song!


As I sat eating dinner with my mother and her 'husband' I can't help but wonder what happened. This guy, Simon, makes my mom like how she used to be with Lucius. She makes all the meals-even though we have house elves. He makes her clean as well, she doesn't think for herself. It's not a good thing. I have to get this guy out of here; except I can't. I'm weak; very, very weak. I can't do anything to him, although I am a Veela; being without my mate makes me weaker than a small child.

Harry I'm sorry, please come back...
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Anyways sorry if my updates are slower I'm in school now, after being online for a year and a half, so I'm stressing. Also family issues are not helping!
Thank you for reading!!! 💛

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