•Everyone Loves Slytherins•

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Harry's POV

It's been a few days since me and Draco mated and I haven't felt any more symptoms, but the book did say that after you got dizzy the first time, you wouldn't feel anything else for a few weeks.

Today I decided to ask McGonagall, Sirius, and Remus, if we all could talk. Figure out what we're going to do. They all said they'd meet us at the Room Of Requirements, at 8pm sharp. I told Draco, Ron, and Hermione, and we're all getting ready, now.

"Dray, we have to get the DA together as soon as we come up with a plan." I said picking out an outfit for me and my Veela.

"Oh, what's the 'DA'?" He asked doing his hair in the bathroom.

"Oh um well, in fifth year I got a group together, Dumbledore's Army, I taught them extra defense..." I trailed off, finding the perfect outfit. "Aha!" I took it over to Draco's private bathroom. Yes, he had his own room and bathroom. He looked at it and smiled. It was matching shirts, black jeans for me, and white jeans for Draco. My shirt say 'smol gay' in black and has a white background, because I'm shorter than my mate. Draco's says 'tol gay' in white and has a black background, because he's taller.

"I love it!" He kissed me on the cheek,

"Let's get dressed, hm?" He said walking back into the bedroom.


{I am not going to tell you the plan to defeat Voldy, yet! You'll find out when it happens because if I tell you now, some Death Eaters might find out and tell Voldy. Sorry, Duckies! :)}


When we get back to our room, I run to the bathroom. Feeling sick. I threw up a lot. At some point, Draco came in and rubbed my back. After vomiting, I wiped my mouth and brushed my teeth. When i walked out of the bathroom Draco was laying on the bed facing me.

"So, we're having a baby?" he said as I sat down next to him.

"I guess. But we still have to wait a few weeks to get a definitive answer, like Hermione said." he looked at me with a terrified facial expression on his gorgeous face.

"Granger knows?!"

"Yes," I nodded, "so does Ron." He groaned at that.

"I'm going to bed! Goodnight," he curled up on his side of the bed.  I curled up with him, laughing a little at his behavior.


When I woke up Harry was cuddled up to my chest. He looked so precious, and peaceful. And hot, but that's not important at the moment.

I decided to try and get some more sleep.

"Dray...I love you..." Harry's sad voice said. The voice he uses when he's either hurt or really upset.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked. He was lying on some floor, looked like concrete? My Harry was bleeding, like a lot.

Suddenly a tall black figure approached us.

"Draco? What would you be doing here? Are you here to finish Harry off?" The figure said, making my head snap up.


The figure let out a laugh and moved into the light. Standing there was unmistakable Lucius Malfoy.

"Now Draco, finish the task." Lucius said.

"No..." I muttered lowly.

"What? Draco finish the task. NOW!" Lucius yelled, obviously losing patients.

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