•Fixing Things...Maybe•

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Harry's POV

Harry I'm sorry, please come back...

The unmistakable voice of my love shot through my head.


No answer. So I tried again.

Dray...it that you? Are you ok?


Dray, are you ok?

No answer. All the sudden I thought back to a passage I read out of a Veela book.


If a Veela is without their mate for more than two days they'll start getting weak.
If they go more than a month than the Veela will most likely die.
Now, if they still at least see or touch their mates then they have a better chance of living for a long period of time.

And of course it's different if the mate rejects them from the start. Read the next passage to find out more about that.

*End of Flashback*

On my! Oh fuck! How could I do this to him? I'm a horrible person! I have to fix this!

I'm going to fix this, Dray...


"Hello dear, me and Simon are going out. Behave and don't be stupid." Mother spit out, and then walked out the door with Simon on her arm.

'What is my life?' Draco thought, 'do I deserve to live? Should I live? I don't have anything to live for, so maybe I won't.'

I'm going to fix this, Dray...

"You can't," Draco whispered to himself.


"Ron, Ginny! Dinners ready!" Mrs. Weasley yelled up the rickety old stairs. "Boys stop it! Harry's coming tomorrow so I'll make you do extra chores today."

"Yes, mum." Fred and George said in sync.

"Mum, Harry's not coming tomorrow. Said he has to fix something." Ron said, already shoving his face with food.

"Oh my, well did he say when he's be back? Or if he was coming at all this holiday?" Mrs. Weasley interrogated.

"I don't know, mum."

"Very well then, eat up, you lot." Mrs. Weasley answered, walking out of the kitchen.

Today at the Burrow, the Weasley clan had decided to have a relaxing day. Ginny and Charlie played cards; and read, of course. Surprisingly Ginny can actually read, Ron couldn't comprehend that; then again he can't comprehend a lot. {NO HATE! I love you Ronnykins 😊}
The twins discussed their crushes, *cough* Lee *cough*. And Ron was on his own. Usually, Harry would be here by now, so they'd be doing something. But, Ron thought, everything is changing. Everyone.

It was about 11pm when suddenly the Floo went off. Ron, being right next to it, hurried to see one person with another in their arms. Ron had never seen these people before.

They were both maybe in they're late thirties. The man, who was holding a woman, had raven hair and glasses set atop his nose. He had a rounder face but a pretty sharp chin, some stubble, and he was all bloody; by the looks of things, it wasn't his blood.

The lady, was bloody. Very bloody. She had shorter red hair, green eyes, she had beautiful features, and she was wearing a flowery green dress.

"James? Lilly? Oh Merlin!"


Harry had a plan.

He was going to sneak out of Grimmauld Place and somehow get to his Draco. He knows he messes up, he shouldn't have said some things. But he needs to fix it. And he will, hopefully.

Walking down the creaky old stairs, Harry tried to make the least noise possible. He knew Sirius was a light sleeper; he's learned that when he came to stay last summer. Now Harry knows he has to be silent.

When he made it to the kitchen, he heard quiet talking.
"But I love him." Sirius' voice ran through Harry's ears.
"I know you do! But I love him more! He's mine, ok? Get that through your stupid, dog brain. He's mine, Black!" A voice growled back.
It was a girls voice, the second one, but the young boy could not recognize it. It sounded sorta familiar but nothing that popped out at Harry.

Then he heard woman's shoes stopping towards him. The mysterious lady, pushed her way passed Harry and Harry couldn't help but stare in shock at who it was.


"Um, hey?" Harry tried but he knew he wasn't in too much trouble, Sirius looked to worn out to fight. "Was that....w-was that Tonks? Yelling at you?"

"You heard that?" Harry nodded, "Yes, it was. I don't know what brought it on. She's normally so sweet, especially to me for some reason. I just don't get it." He shook his head slightly and looked at Harry. "Your dressed? Heading somewhere?"

"I..Um...Draco," Harry muttered out. He was ashamed for trying to sneak out, he didn't even know why he was trying to sneak out in all honesty. He could just ask Sirius to aparate them. Hell, he could just aparate himself.

"Why are you sneaking out?"

"Honestly I'm not sure," Harry laughed dryly.

"Well can I come? I need a distraction." Sirius said standing up from the table.

"You're not even going to try and stop me?"

"When it comes to a Veela and his mate, nothing can stop them. Believe me." The older man muttered the last part.


"James? Lily? As in the Potters? As in Harry's parents?" Ron questioned, he was totally lost.

"Yes, we'll explain later, we just need to help her. Please?" James begged. Mrs. Weasley who had come in just after hearing the commotion, went over and took Lily out of her husbands arms. She laid the young lady down on the couch and started doing some spells.

"So your Harry's father?" Ron asked again.

"Yes, I am. How is he?"

"Well I'd say not great. He definitely won't be once he finds out his parents abandoned him."

"Mom? Dad?"

The stuff that happens at Grimmauld Place is earlier in the night than what happens at the Burrow.
Bye duckies!

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