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Draco's POV
"Wow...that was.." I muttered breathlessly, I can hear Apollo squealing in my head.

"Amazing!" Harry finished just as breathless. We were laying in my bed after we mated. Gods it was good.

Can I meet him?
Maybe, I'll ask him
He won't respond
What? What do you mean?
He passed out

I turned to him and sure enough his eyes were closed. "Harry!" I screamed he didn't respond. "Harry!" I tried again, "Harry wake up!" He groaned.

"G'morning," he muttered, rolling over so he was facing me. I hugged him, as well as could laying down. "What was that about?"

"You passed out! Scared the shit out of me." I explained. He got a look of horror on his face, and quickly sat up, just to have fallen back down on me. "Darling, what's wrong?" He shook his head, and kissed me getting up to change his clothes. "So your ok?" He nodded mumbling something I didn't hear. "What?" He didn't respond, just continuing to change. "So, I was wondering, could you maybe meet Apollo? He really wants to meet you, but he can be a bit much. Just a warning." I rambled.

"Oh, um maybe. Not right now though." He mumbled and ran off out of my dorm door. I looked at the door confused, did he not want to meet Apollo? Did he not have a good time last night? Oh Merlin! He didn't like it. I sat in my bed almost all day thinking of all the possibilities.


I ran out of Draco's room as soon as we finished mating, as the book called it. I got dizzy, I passed out. I'm pregnant. Pregnant. I've got a little baby Malfoy in me right now. He'll never want to have a baby with me. I ran to the Gryffindor common room, as soon as I got in there I ran into someone, literally. Hermione.
"Just the girl I need, can we talk...um privately?" I asked, she nodded and led me to a secret corner of the common room. She gave me a look that said 'talk' so I did.
"Well last night I read in the Veela book about...mating. And decided to go see Draco," I whispered the last part and she squealed. "Shut up!"

"Sorry, sorry. You don't look happy about it. Was he bad?" She asked as I snapped my head up.

"No, no, no, believe me, he was...he was.." I bit my lip and shook my head, "that doesn't matter though. I think I'm pregnant!" I blurted blushing.

"Really? Come on Harry, you didn't use protection? What have I told you about all..." I cut her off,

"Shh! I read in the book that if I was pregnant I could get dizzy or even pass out." I explained, Hermione nodded, she must have already read it, I thought. "And Draco said I did pass out, and the last thing I remember was feeling a little dizzy, then I got dizzy again, that was before I ran out of his room and came here." I finished running a hand through my hair.

"Ok, well you must go see Madam Pomphrey to find out for sure. Actually you'll have to wait a few weeks to get a definitive answer." She said.

"'Mione! Harry!" I heard being called out. It was Ron.

"Over here!" I called back. He came over to us and punched my arm lightly.

"Where the bloody hell have you been, Harry?!" He almost screamed, I winced at his tone. "Sorry, I was just worried. So I'm guessing you were with Draco?" I nodded, he grimaced. "Ok well I don't want to know then." He began to turn around when 'Mione spoke up.

"You don't want to know you'll be an uncle?" She giggled making Ron stop dead in his tracks.


It was now lunch, but I was not going. I can't believe that I didn't make it enjoyable. I mean it's one thing that he's my boyfriend, but being his mate my whole life is too make his life as amazing as possible. And I failed. I'm already in pain from him not being here. After we sealed the bond it's harder to live without each other especially for the first twenty-four hours. I heard someone come into my dorm room, but I could care less.

"Hey, Draco. Are you ok? What happened?" It was Blaise. He sat down at the foot of my bed. I just shrugged. "Then why are you crying?" I didn't even know I was crying, silent tears were sliding down my face.

"He left..." was all I could choke out before I started sobbing, he pulled me into a hug and cried into his shoulder.


"Uncle?!" Ron yelled.

"Shh! Come on let's go somewhere else. I'll tell you what happened." I said, him and Hermione nodded and followed me. I was taking them to the Room of Requirements. As we started walking up the staircase, we ran into an angry looking Blaise. "Hey Blaise, what's up?" I asked as he glared.

"I was looking for you! What the fuck did you do to my best friend?!" He yelled at me. Thank Merlin we were in a empty stairwell.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I siriusly didn't know what he was on about. Something happened to Draco?
"Did something happen to Dray?" He clenched his fists.

"He's In his bed crying! So what the fuck did you do?!" Blaise screamed again. Draco was crying because of me? I failed as a mate.

"I didn't- I what...I..." Hermione cut of my stuttering.

"You said you left after you had sex, right?" I nodded. "Oh Harry, he thinks he didn't pleasure you or enough at least. His Veela side took you leaving as a bad sign. He thinks you don't want him anymore." She explained. I didn't say anything I just ran down to the dungeons.


I heard the dorm door open again. "Blaise y'back?" I questioned, but didn't get a response. Harry, without saying a word, jumped on me tackling me with kisses.
When he pulled back we were both out of breath. I felt immensely better, knowing he still wants me.
"What happened this morning?" He looked down at his lap and whispered,

"I felt dizzy and passed out." I didn't really understand so I looked at him to continue. "Oh you must not have read that part. That normally happens when the mate is...p-pregnant." He said the last part like I'd be mad. I put my hand under his chin to lift it up.

"I told you, I'd be happy to have as many babies as you want. I was just surprised last night that you'd want to. I love you and I'll always be here. Whether you're pregnant or not." I kissed him and we cuddled up for the rest of the day and into the night.

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