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Draco's POV

Today is the day I board the Hogwarts Express and go to Hogwarts for my last year. Blaise and I spent the whole morning packing because we forgot, with all my Veela stuff. Speaking of me being a Veela, I found something I hadn't read before. I have a little voice inside my head, my Veela, his name is Apollo. He seems really sweet and he is really eager to find his-our mate. My mate is not Blaise thank Merlin, and I've had no luck at all with finding them, hopefully they are at Hogwarts. (A/N Apollo talking is like this and Draco talking back is like this. Does that make sense?)

"You ready?" Blaise asked, we are both standing outside of the train.


We got onto the train and walked to the end, where we normally sit, but someone was already sitting in it.

"Ugh Potter," i groaned

"What was that you like him?" Blaise asked

"I know but.....well..um forget it," I mumbled.

Go in there!
Why Apollo?
Because our mate is in there! Go! Go!
Go! Go touch our mate!
Yes, now stop talking to me and go to our mate!

"Blaise! We can't go in-" I didn't even finish my sentence before he opened the door.

"Hey Potter can we sit? Thanks." Blaise went in and sat across from Harry.

"Y'comin' mate?" Blaise questioned, I growled at that. "Oh right sorry,"

"Why did you just growl?" Potter asked, I looked at him. Dammit our eyes met, Apollo was right. I fell onto the ground screaming in pain. Before I blacked out I felt someone moving me, probably Blaise. Soon I couldn't hear or see anything, everything went black.


I was sitting in my own compartment because Ron and Hermione were snogging and i didn't feel like watching that. I was in my own little world when the door opened. I thought it was just Ron or Hermione so I didn't look up, until I heard a voice. Not Ron's nor Hemione's.

"Hey Potter can we sit? Thanks." it was Blaise Zabini? And the Draco Malfoy. Zabini just sat across from me without an answer.

"Y'comin' mate?" Blaise questioned, Draco growled? "Oh right sorry,"

Why did Malfoy growl? Why did Zabini apologize?

"Why did you just growl?" I asked, truly curious. Malfoy turns to face me, and as soon as he does, he's on the ground screaming in pain. Zabini pulled him into the compartment and closed the door.

"Could you cast some privacy spells, Potter?" Zabini asked, I nodded and muttered some spells. "Hey Dray you'll be ok," he started whispering to his friend. "Can you believe it? I bet Apollo was happy,"

"Who's Apollo?" I ask, Zabini looked up like he forgot I was there.

"Well, I'm not sure he would want me to tell you. I-well i'll tell you anyway. Draco here is a Veela, do you know what that is?" I nodded and he continued, "Ok so he is a Veela and on his seventeenth birthday he went through his inheritance." he cleared his throat and started again. "And, well Apollo is the Veela inside his head. The reason Apollo would be happy is because he found his mate." I stood there for a second soaking in all the information. I'm his mate?!

"Me-i'm his-am i-" Zabini nodded,

"You're his mate, yes. Now I need you to talk to him."

"Talk...?" I was confused, why does all this shit always happen to me?

"Yes! About Quidditch, about yourself....i don't know just talk to him please?!" Zabini snapped.

I sat down next to Malfoys limp body, grabbing hold of his hand. "Uh.... I'm supposed to be talking to you....um...I-I don't hate you actually," i laughed dryly, totally forgetting about Zabini being there. "I've kind of had a little crush on you....since about third year. You always hated me though. And if-if this thing is t-true, and i'm your mate...i want to be with you.....if you'd like?" Before I could go on, Draco stirred.

"Dray..." Zabini gasped, making his presence known.

"Blaise....Harry?" Draco rasped out, looking at me surprised.

I smiled at him and did something I never thought I'd do. I grabbed hold of Mal-Draco and hugged him tightly. He hugged back just as tight. I heard the door open, i'm guessing it was Blaise leaving.


My mate is hugging me!
Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!!!!
Shh Apollo, just let me enjoy this

Harry pulled away looking me in the eyes. "Draco...will...um...well.." He stuttered.

"I'm guessing Blase told you about our situation....so if it's about that, you don't have to say anything....right now." I told him. He smiled at me and continued talking,

"No, no, I want to respond. So listen and don't interrupt." I nodded, "I like you Draco Malfoy. Not because you need me to live, no, I like you and I have for years. Ok? So I want to be with you, if that's ok..so Draco Malfoy, will you be my....boyfriend?" I captured his lips in a soft loving kiss. When I pulled back we were both grinning like idiots, I nodded.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! I would love to be your boyfriend!" I almost squealed but stopped myself before I lost all of my Malfoy dignity.

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