•I Love You, My Love•

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**TW suicide**

Harry and Sirius made it to the Malfoy Manor. It was eerily quiet and very un-home like. Harry could sense Draco; something he'd never been able to do. It freaked him out a bit.

Harry? Is...that you?
Oh Draco you sound so broken...
I am
I'll be right there! I will fix this
You can't...it's too late
What?! What's going on? What happened??!?!
I love you...

"Sirius we have to hurry! Something is siriusly wrong!" I exclaimed running up a pathway that leads to the main gate. I shook and shook the gate but it wouldn't budge. Sirius came up behind me, and I knew he'd be smirking in different circumstances. He brought his wand up and blew the gate out.

I ran. And ran. Leaving Sirius behind. I had to find my love.

I ran to Draco's room. He'd told me about where it was one day we were just lounging. I pushed open the door but didn't see anything. I ran to the bathroom connected to his room. What I saw when he got there terrified me.

**Don't read any further if you get triggered easily**

My Draco was leaning against the bathtub with blood rushing out of his wrists and thighs. A knife lay down next to his limp body.

"Oh my," I gasped, running up to the blond. He grabbed the knife and threw it out of the way, he pulled off his shirt and applied pressure to the wounds on his thighs.

"You're a fucking wizard you know that?"

"Shut up Sirius! It's not the e time. My mate is bleeding out!" Harry yelled back. Sirius nodded and got started healing the wounds. When that was done, Harry carried Draco to his king bed and lay him down in the middle. Draco was still unconscious.


Draco woke up feeling very tired and thirsty but overall he felt amazing. It's weird he hasn't felt like this since he was with Harry.

Slowly he opened his eyes, he was in his room, on his bed, and there was something weighing down his arm. He looked to his right side and saw the familiar mop of raven hair. He smiled wide.

"Mate," he whispered, running his hands through the raven locks. Suddenly he heard the door opened and looked to Sirius.

"Oh, your awake? Well good. Um how're you feeling? Need anything?" Sirius questioned.

"Water," he rasped out, before clearing his throat. "And I'm feeling fine, better than I have in a while." Draco said, Sirius nodded and started walking towards the door. "Oh and Sirius?" The las in question turned to face the blond, "Thank you," Nothing else was said, Sirius went to go get some water and Draco played with his mates hair.


When Harry woke up he felt movement. Someone was massaging his scalp. And damn, it felt good. Ut continued and Harry couldn't help the moan that left his mouth.

He looked up to see beautiful silver staring at him.

Harry couldn't help it, he pounced. Sitting on top of the other boy. Pinning Draco to the bed, hand above his head. He starting attacking the blonds mouth with his own. After hearing a few delicious groans and moans from mate, Harry decided to move on to his neck. Sucking big red, bruises. Draco was writhing under Harry's and both of them were living for it. That is until they heard footsteps.

"Draco? Harry? You up?" Sirius said knocking a little, but walking in without a answer. He looked at the scene in front of him and smirked. "I see you're feeling better Draco? Well boys, get dressed we're going to The Burrow. Now!" He said leaving the room again. The two boys only looked at each other and laughed.

They got dressed (Harry wearing some of Draco's clothes) and walked down the stairs in silence, until Harry spoke up.

"Um...Draco I really am sorry about what i said, what I did. But I really want you to forgive me. I need you to forgive me. Please?"

"Well, it's not that easy Harry, I love you, of course I do, but I can't forgive you that easy. It's going to take time. So let's just go slow okay? I promise I'll tell you when I forgive you. But you have to earn it." Draco said, and Harry nodded. Although he was upset he understood completely.

He just really hope Draco would forgive home soon, he couldn't do this alone.

When they made it to the Burrow, they stood outside a while. None of them really sure why.

"So, why're we standing here?" Harry asked breaking the quiet.

"I don't know," Sirius shrugged, "Let's go?"



They walked through the door without knocking, seeing as this was basically their family. No it was their family. What Harry saw when he walked in surprised him and the other two men with him.

"Mom? Dad?"

Sorry about the bad chapter.
I have the rest of the story planned out actually, I have five chapters after this one!
So this story is kinda coming to a close,
Anygays, I hope you had/have amazing day!

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