•Madam Pomphrey•

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Draco's POV

Apollo has been very protective over Harry. Like when we were in potions, he made me beg Snape to let Harry sit out. Of course Snape being my godfather agreed, reluctantly. And then at lunch Harry still hadn't shown up so Apollo kept bugging me until I went to find my mate. I don't know what's been up.

"Hey, love!" Harry grinned, running into my private room.

"Hi, what's got you so happy?" I asked my lover. He just squealed and grabbed my hand, pulling me up from my bed where I was doing homework. We ran- Harry pulling me- to the hospital wing? "Why are we here?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Hermione said it's probably been enough time. We can see if I'm pregnant or not!" Harry all but yelled. A giant smile spread across my face. A baby, a baby, maybe? Holy fuck. A baby?!?! We're only seventeen.

Despite what was going on In my head I hugged him tight. "Yay, can't wait," I said less enthusiastic than Harry. He didn't notice though, thank Merlin.

"Ok let's go," We walked in, hand in hand. There was only one other kid laying down on a white hospital bed. The kid looked to be about a second year. We walked by him and went to Madam Pomphrey's office to knock on her door.

"Come in," A voice came from inside. "Hello boys, what brings you here?" She said politely, looking up from her desk. Harry and I walked in, forgetting to close the door; and sitting in one of her chairs.

"Um...we need, uh..." Harry stuttered, looking at me for help.

"We want to know if Harry is pregnant." I stated dryly. Madam Pomphrey looked taken aback by this statement. Standing up and closing her door and turning back to us.

"Now, boys, I am afraid I cannot give you that test unless I have parent permission." She said kindly.

"Umm my parents are dead..," Harry muttered.

"Yes, deer, well we'll have to get Draco's parent's consent."

"Ok, well um my father is in Azkaban so you'll have to contact Narcissa," I said calmly.
My mom knows I'm a Veela; so she probably knows that I'll be starting a family sooner than usual families.

Madam Pomphrey nodded and smiled, "Ok, well I'll send a patronous."

Soon enough Narcissa Malfoy came into the hospital wing. She had her hair up in a messy bun atop her head and she was wearing a rather lovely dress. She looked like she was dressed up for something.
"Dragon? Are you ok?" She said before her gaze fell on Harry. She audibly gasped, "Hello dear, what's wrong?" She asked.

"We're fine. As you could have guessed Harry is my mate." She smiled at that; her son was happy. "We want him to take a pregnancy test." Draco said a little quieter, suddenly feeling nervous of what his mom would say. They were only seventeen.

"Oh very well, where's Madam Pomphrey?" Narcissa said.

"Here," Madam Pomphrey walked in just as Narcissa finished her sentence.

"Give him the test." Narcissa smiled, nodding towards Harry. The healer nodded and brought her wand to Harry's stomach, mumbling and moving her hand back and forth.


Ron was sitting in the great hall for lunch; he wondered where Harry was but figured he was just with Malfoy. Ron tries to be supportive but it's Malfoy! It's hard-

Blaise walking in made him come out of his thoughts. It wasn't just Blaise though; no he was walking with Neville. Which was weird right? Ron couldn't wrap his head around why they'd be walking around together. He saw Blaise give Neville a small kiss on the cheek, making Neville blush. Ron couldn't help be jealous. He wanted to be the one blushing. Especially if Blaise was making him.

As Neville came and sat down Ron got up and walked to his shared dorm.


Hermione sat in the library reading a DADA textbook when someone walked in. Hermione didn't look up; not really caring. Soon a figure stopped in front of her, making her finally look up.

Pansy Parkinson took Hermiones arm and pulled her up and to a secluded part of the library.

"What do you want?" Hermione spat, coldly.

"I can't control myself around you! Every time I see you I just can't shake the feeling of wanting to kiss you until you can't breath. I want to make you scream my name. I want you, Hermione Granger. I know it's sudden and weird and sounds stupid but I want you. I want to be yours; you be mine. Please?" Pansy finished, finally taking a breath. Hermione looked at her shocked. Something about the way she sounded made Hermione think she was sincere.

"Then be mine. Let me be yours." Hermione whispered, unable to make her voice louder.


Narcissa, Draco, and Harry wait patiently to find out if Harry's pregnant.

Narcissa was excited to be a grandmother, even though Draco is a little young she knows he'll be responsible about this. She believes in them.

Harry was squealing inside. What if he was pregnant? He and Draco would have a gorgeous child. A baby. A baby? A baby. Uh-oh.

Draco could not decide if he was happy or nervous. He'd guess a little bit of both. What if they had a girl? He's never been good with girls; especially younger kids. But he could imagine having a little Aurora, maybe? Or Cordelia? Or what if it's a boy? Leo? James?

Madam Pomphrey stopped her movements at once and looked back up at everyone.
"Good news Harry is...."

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