•Harry and His Parents•

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It's been a few weeks since Harry's parents had shown themselves. They told everyone their story and why they left. They said, "We weren't supposed to leave you for so long. We were supposed to come back but then we got attacked," James said. "And that attack turned into a war." When he finished the whole story, everyone was in tears, especially Harry. No one thought anything about Harry being extra emotional, they figured meeting your parents for the first time in sixteen years will make you emotional. Only Harry knew why he was so emotional.

Now, Harry was sitting in the kitchen of the Malfoy Manor. He and Harry decided to come back, to see it Narcissa was back; she wasn't. Draco was starting to get worried. But Harry told him not to worry.

Harry was sitting at the kitchen island and sipping some tea. He was waiting for his mother to show up; he'd owled her asking for her to come over for some tea. All the sudden he felt another presence behind him. Without even turning around he knew it was his mother. He could smell her perfume, she must've used a lot today because the scent was overwhelming to him. He almost threw up.

"Hi, mum." He said finally turning around.

"Hello dear. Are you ok? You look a little pale," She sounded worried, but Harry couldn't process what she was saying. And all the sudden everything went black.

Harry suddenly woke in his bedroom. How'd he get here? He tried to sit up but something or rather someone pushed him back down. He looked up to see grey eyes staring back at him.

"Pregnant?!" Was all Draco said, how'd he find out? "When were you going to tell me?"

"Well, we just got back to normal, I didn't want to ruin it." Harry said looking down.

"This wouldn't have ruined it! It would have made it better. You're carrying my child! It's amazing!" Draco exclaimed.

"Really?" Harry croaked out, Draco nodded and kissed his lips. "Thank Merlin, I thought you'd be mad."


"Because I basically broke up with you, for not being pregnant, even though I actually was pregnant. I still feel horrible by the way. I guess it was too early for Madam Pomphrey's test."

"Harry, you need to know that I am not mad. It wasn't the most rational decision yes, but we all make mistakes. Please believe me, I am so happy to start a family with you! Oh and your dad showed up, they're both downstairs. You wanna go?" Harry nodded and Draco helped him up.

"What happened?" Harry asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Well, since you're pregnant, your senses are heightened. My guess is when you smell your mothers perfume it was too strong so you passed out. You're very lucky she was there or..." Draco couldn't even mention Harry being hurt.

"It's okay, Dray, I'm okay."

They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they made it down, the went into the living room where James, Lilly, Sirius and Remus were sitting, looking very scared.

"Oh my Merlin, are you okay?" James asked,

"Is he okay?" Sirius asked Draco,

"I was so scared," Lilly said.

Remus just stayed quiet, sitting on the couch staring at Harry. "I can't believe I'm in the Malfoy Manor," he muttered, then stood up and gave Harry a much needed hug.

"I'm okay, guys seriously. I just...well I guess I have news. Sirius you might want to sit down." Sirius nodded, and reluctantly sat next to Remus on one of the couches. "Well, as you know Draco is a Veela and I am his mate. Well as you also might know, Veela mates can get pregnant even a male." Harry took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, with Draco's baby." He said finally.

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