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Btw I'll remind you again bold lettering is Apollo(so this is Apollo) and Draco is italics (this is Dray)

After Harry helped me with my....problem, I returned the favor. Then we walked back out into the common room to find Granger and Weasley doing something I could only assume to be homework.

Hey!" Harry exclaimed happily, "what're you doing?"

"Homework." Weasley groaned and I smirked.

"You know Weasley, if you actually do your schoolwork maybe you wouldn't be so..." Harry cut me off with a glare.

Don't make Mate mad!
Sorry. I don't like Weasley!
But our mate does so you will get along! I do not want Mate being mad! At us especially!
Fine! Sorry, I'll try.

"So um what are you working on?" I asked,


"Yes, Weasley! What class?!" I said through clenched teeth.

"We are working on potions, at the moment. Actually I could use your help." Granger said. I nodded, a little stunned that she needed my help and went over to see what she was working on. After a while both Weasley and Granger were done with their homework. Harry and Weasley decided to play some Wizard Chess while me and Granger read some books she got out of the library. Once I looked at the book that was in my hand, I looked back up at Granger in surprise.

"Veela!?" i exclaimed, "The book, it's about Veela," She nodded.

"Yes, I wanted to know the rules and just things about you guys." she said not looking up from her book, which was also on Veela.

"Oh, cool." I said lamely.

I opened the book, titled 'The Veela and it's Mate' . I turned to a random page and started reading.

'A Veela and it's mate are very connected. A Veela can in some cases even feel their mates emotions. The mate will get extra emotional, especially during pregnancy. If the Veela is a male, they will more than likely have a male mate, there are a few cases of a male Veela and his female mate. Since that is the case, male mates can get pregnant. So always use protection.' I read. Harry can get pregnant? I felt heat travel to my face. My Harry can get pregnant...wow.

"Hey babe." a voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"Hey, Harry." I responded simply.
"Why're you blushing?"
"Oh no reason...it's just you're so hot." I lied, he looked at me suspiciously.
"Yes! Anyway i'm going to bed, uh goodnight love...night Granger, Weasley." and without another word i ran out of the portrait and to the Slytherin common room.


Draco just ran out of the common room, I turned to Ron and Hermione, confused.
"What was that?" I asked myself more than them.
"I don't know Harry, he was reading one moment then he shut the book and blushed." Hermione explained.
"Huh, do'ya mind if i read this and try to figure it out?" I asked, she shook her head.
"Of course you can read it, but Harry, I need it back by Wednesday." she said sternly.

"Yes, 'Mione. Thank you, goodnight, I'll be up in our dorm, Ron." I said, he nodded and I left up the stairs. When I got to my dorm, I went straight to my bed and shut my curtains, pulling the Veela book on my lap. After reading for a while, I found nothing that could explain Draco's reaction. I was about to go to sleep but I found a chapter called, 'The Mating of a Veela and Their Mate' . i started reading:

'When a Veela and their mate decide to mate, it is an amazing thing, but there are some rules and precautions. Firstly if the Veela is male, his mate can get pregnant- male or female- so you will always have to be cautious of that, especially the first time mating. The first time the Veela and mate make love, or mate, the Veela will not be able to control themselves, obviously this only goes so far. They will be able to make sure their mate is not hurt, as they will hurt themselves before they hurt their mate. But they will have very little self control otherwise, and sometimes can get rough.' I read. So he'll get rough? Good. I went on and started reading the next chapter, because I don't feel like reading anymore in this one.


'A Veela and it's mate are very connected. A Veela can in some cases even feel their mates emotions. The mate will get extra emotional, especially during pregnancy. If the Veela is a male, they will more than likely have a male mate, there are a few cases of a male Veela and his female mate. Since that is the case, male mates can get pregnant. So always use protection.
The mate will get a few dizzy spells or even pass out, five to ten minutes after having sex, that means the mate is pregnant, though that will be the only symptom for at least three to four weeks. After those three to four weeks the mate will most likely have morning sickness, caused by food, smells, and even people.
It may sound crazy but while pregnant the mate will have heightened senses, so they can smell people when other people can't. That is why they are more prone to morning sickness.'

A loud snore brought me out of my reading. So I can get pregnant....wow. I honestly am really happy about that. Randomly I decided to go down to the dungeons.

When I got down there I knocked on the Slytherin entrance. Blaise opened it, thank Merlin, and let me up to Draco's room. When I got in there I went to his bed and pushed his curtains out of the way, to find a completely naked Draco Malfoy sprawled out on his bed. I quickly closed his curtains and put some spells to lock them, I also put up a silencing charm. "Dray...'' I said softly, he moved but didn't wake. "Draco!" I said a little bit louder. Nothing. "Draco Lucius Malfoy! Wake your fucking ass up!" He almost jumped for his wand, but then saw me and calmed down. He looked down at himself then back at me, while I stared for too long at one certain part of his body.

"What are you doing here, darling?" He asked.

"I want to mate." He looks at me weirdly, "I want to have sex. And get pregnant...." I mumbled.

"Y-you want to have a b-baby? Now?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Yes! We're in our last year of school, and when we leave we'll already have a fam- oh you don't want t-to. Uh....nevermind...goodnight then." I said, trying not to cry. I stood up but Draco grabbed my hand.

"I want a family, baby. I do. I just didn't think you'd want to. I was just stunned. Let's make a baby." He replied softly, I looked at him and he nodded. I sat back down so I was straddling him, and we kissed. At first it was soft and full of love but soon he bit my lip causing me to gasp, when my mouth opened he stuck his tongue in. I pushed him against the bed, pressing our bodies together. He moaned and changed our position so he was on top.

And well, you know what happened next...


I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable writing real smut.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did please vote or comment?!

P.s I'm going to start calling you guys(whoever reads) my Duckies!

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