•Figuring Out a Plan•

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"We have matters to discuss." McGonagall broke up their fun. "Sit. Everyone, sit."

Harry sat on the Gryffindor colored couch, Draco sitting next to him, their knees touching. Harry looked at their legs and smiled. Hermione and Ron sat next to each other in the armchair across from Harry and Draco. McGonagall stood in front of the fireplace. And Sirius sat on the armchair opposite Hermione and Ron with Lupin standing on the side of him.

"What's going on, Professor?"  Hermione asked.

"Well, Sirius here, is wanted by...." She stopped and glanced over to Draco.

"What? Death Eaters? You can say it. And if you still don't trust me, by the way, you can give me a truth serum." Draco responded calmly.

"Yes, dear. Sirius is wanted by Death Eaters and they are extra mad because he survived at the Department of Mysteries. So they are out for blood, and they are willing to kill anyone who gets in their way. We-" she gestured around the group, "need to be ready. We need to make sure everyone gets out alive." The professor finished. Everyone just sat there, silently, until Draco spoke up.

"I'll be the bait. They still dont know I'm on the light side. We can use it to our advantage."

"No!" Harry yelled, looking Draco in the eyes. "Don't leave me..." he said in a very low voice that sounded like a child begging for a toy. Harry looked like he was about to cry, and Draco picked up on that.

"Um guys were going to go up to his room, so we can talk privately. We'll be back to continue." Draco said standing up, picking Harry up by his hips, Harry's legs wrapped around Draco's back almost instantly. "Hey love, which one is yours?" he asked quietly and Harry pointed. Nodding the blond opened that door. He tried to set Harry down, but the Gryffindor pulled Draco down so they were snuggling. "Darling, what happened? Back there?"

"I..i can't lose you.." Harry said in a small voice. "Everyone dies....for me... My parents, Cedric, Sirius almost died, everyone dies fighting for me....i can't lose you..... Please don't leave me...please..." he cried. Draco hugged him closer whispering sweet nothings in his ear. After a while Harry's breathing evened out, Draco realized the other boy was asleep. So the blond decided to get some sleep as well. 


~There is a little smut in this part, normally i don't like writing it; but i thought i'd write a little, just this time though~

When I woke up Harry was curled into my shoulder.

Mate looks peaceful!
Yes Apollo he does, so you can not meet him...yet
Fineeeeee goodnight
Night, I guess....

Apollo did not respond, he must already be asleep, I thought. You see, I can let Apollo out and go into my sort of full Veela form. My wings will come out, my voice will change because it won't be my voice really it'd be Apollo, that's all that would really change about me. The reason I haven't introduced Harry to Apollo is, Apollo can be a little much. He's very excited to meet Harry and I don't want to scare my boyfriend. I heard moving beside me, Harry was waking up.

"Hey.." he said, his voice raspy from crying and sleeping. I loved his voice like that, it turned me on more than I'd like to admit. "Hey, can I help you with that?" I looked at him bewildered, then I followed his gaze. He was staring at my crotch which had an obvious tent in it. I felt my face heat up and I looked back at Harry who was staring hungerly at me.

"No! I told everyone we'd be back down," he looked at me sadly. "Fine but we have to hurry." That's all it took. He was on me straddling my stomach. He kissed me hard, I kissed back harder, by this point my dick was starting to get painfully hard. He pulled back from the kiss and sat in between my legs.

"Can i..?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. He pulled my pants down and threw them on the floor next to my bed, then he grabbed my throbbing cock in his mouth.

"Ahhh fuckfuckfuck that feels..ahh..good," I moaned, which only made him go faster, bobbing his head up and down. He let go of me with his mouth and used his hand instead. I thrust up into his hand and he keeps going at an amazing pace but then he stops. "Ugh what in the fuck?!"

"I heard footsteps." Harry replied as someone knocked on the door.

"Harry!" It was Sirius Black. "Harry, are you in there? Draco said you'd be back and it's been a while."

"Uh ya I'm in here. Sorry we fell asleep, we'll be out in a minute." Harry pointed to the bathroom. Did he want me to go in there? "Go!" he whispered.

"He already knows we're both in here, you wanker."

"Oh yea," Harry said,

"Can I come in?" Sirius asked from behind the door.

"Yes!" Harry and I called back at the same time. Sirius walked in as I moved myself to a more comfortable position which was hard....because well...i was.

"So are you guys using protection?" Sirius asked, Harry started choking on air and I sucked in a breath.

"Huh?" Harry asked through coughs.

"What? Oh come on i was a gay teenager once, i'm not stupid. Are you guys using protection?" He asked again.

"Your gay?" I asked he nodded and Harry spoke up,

"Yea for Remus."

"Shut up, ugh you remind me of your father too much sometimes." Sirius laughed. "So?" he asked again.

"We haven't...." Harry started.

"We have not had sex yet. And I have a whole list of protection spells, we'll be fine. Not that it's any of your business." I muttered the last part but Harry still elbowed me.

"Ok, just making sure. Well get back to what you were doing, i'll tell the others you two are sleeping. We'll come back tomorrow. Goodbye Cub." Sirius winked standing up. Harry hugged him, and he left. Once the adult left I turned to Harry and he had the same idea.

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