•Was This a Dream?•

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Suddenly Harry awoke in the Borrow. It was like everything that happened this past year was dream.

"Harry, hurry!" Ron's voice boomed through Harry's room. He walked out to find all of the Weasley family bustling through the Borrow. Ginny walked by Harry dragging her trunk behind her. She looked different than the last time he saw her, she had died her hair a light pink and had a bob now. And her outfit styles were different than he remembered, she wore all black, and had a lot of makeup on.

"Hey Gin? What's the time? And why am I here?" Harry asked confused, wasn't he just in that room with Draco after getting kidnapped? Where's Draco?

"It's almost ten-thirty, and you're here because you are always here before we start school."

"Yea I know but why am I here now? It's Christmas break, right? I'm supposed to be kidnapped."

"What? Oh my did you have a nightmare? I'm so sorry Harry." Ginny said softly. Harry shook his head, he couldn't believe this. What was going on? Where was Draco? Where's the baby? Oh Merlin, is he pregnant? Wheres my mate?!

"No, I didn't have a nightmare. At least I don't think I did."

She nodded and walked off. Harry shook his head again and went to get ready.


Once Harry and his friends got to Hogwarts, the Gryffindor looked for a certain blond. He finally found his love, but what he saw made him want to throw up.

Draco was holding Parkinson against a wall and making out with her. Holy fuck! Harry was about to cry. What happened? What is happening?

"Come on mate, we gotta get to the Great Hall." Ron said, making Harry think of when he first found out about Draco being his mate.

"Y'comin' mate?" Blaise questioned, Draco growled? "Oh right sorry,"

Why did Malfoy growl? Why did Zabini apologize?

"Why did you just growl?" I asked, truly curious. Malfoy turns to face me, and as soon as he does, he's on the ground screaming in pain. Zabini pulled him into the compartment and closed the door.

"You coming?" Hermione asked. Harry smiled and nodded,

"Let's go," he muttered.


"Pottah!" Draco screamed, coming down the hall.

"Draco, we need to talk."

"We're not friends! Don't call me Draco!"

"What do you mean?"

"Look I don't fucking know what's wrong with you but you need to get your head checked out. Now, I have business to attend to." Draco spat, walking off.

"You Really don't remember?" Harry asked, his voice breaking. Draco was too far away to hear.

As he feel against the wall he realized something.

He dreamt it all...

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed. This is the last chapter and I know it's short but that's all I wanted to write.


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