•Sirius Black is Siriusly Back•

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It has been two weeks since Harry and Draco got together and the only one who knew was Blaise. Harry could tell that there was going to be a war soon, he could feel it. That's why he is talking to Hermione and Ron, in the empty common room. He's going to tell them about the war and try to nonchalantly bring up him and Draco.

"So what's up, mate?" Ron asked, sitting down next to Hermione.

"Yea, Harry what's going on?" Hermione questioned.

"Well I think Voldemort is going to attack soon. So we need to be ready, I can feel him." Harry told them.

"So we'll need to get DA back together." said Ron, Harry nodded and opened his mouth to say something else but shut it instead.

"Harry, what else is there? And don't say it's nothing." Hermione put a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Well-well i um you see-" he got cut off by a yell from outside the portrait.

"Harry!" it was undeniable Draco. Harry smiled and wanted to kiss his Veela although he couldn't, not yet at least.

"Who is that, Harry?"

"Yea mate, who?" Hermione and Ron asked respectively.

"Um what i have to tell you, hold on." Harry went to open the portrait. Draco hugged Harry and walked over to Ron who was about to vomit and Hermione who had a knowing look in her eyes.

"Hello Weasley, Granger." he said sweetly.

"Uh, Harry...?" Ron had a very confused look on his face.

"Oh you don't know, do you?" Draco asked, turning to look at Harry. "You have not told them, love."

"Uh....no...? I was just about to though." Harry responded. He shifted nervously on his feet, biting his lower lip. "Ron, Hermione this is Draco Malfoy, you've met him obviously," Harry paused his cheeks flushing a bright red, "he is my boyfriend and mate." Harry added as an afterthought.

"Veela?" Hermione questioned, Draco nodded.


"Look Ron, we're dating whether you like it or not." Harry licked his suddenly dry lips, "You can't change my mind about him. He is not a Death Eater nor is he going to fight for the dark side. But Ron, I need my best friend on my side as well, to win this war, can you be here for me?" Ron nodded, grinning.

"You finally got your man huh?" Ron laughed,

"What do you mean, Weasley?" Draco asked, sitting gracefully on the couch. He made a disgusted face at the color of it, Gryffindor red of course.

"Well Harry here has been in love with you for years." Hermione responded. Harry blushed even redder and buried his head in his hands, groaning.

"Really?" Draco raised an eyebrow, "You've been in love with me, for a while?" he went over to his love and lifted his head up so Harry was looking straight into Draco's eyes.

"M-maybe.... I- um well.....y-yes.." he mumbled the last part. Draco hugged him, surprising everyone in the room including Harry. When Draco pulled back he looked right into Harry's eyes.

"I love you, Harry James Potter! I love you so damn much." the blond declared. Harry kissed Draco fiercely. A cough brought them out of there snogging. They looked around to see McGonagall, Remus Lupin, and-

"Sirius!?" Harry yelled running over to the long-haired man standing at the now open portrait.

"Yes, yes Sirius Black is siriusly back." Everyone laughed.

"Sirius Black?" Draco asked, Sirius nodded.

"And you must be Draco Malfoy. Harry talks about you a lot." Harry blushed again and punched his godfather. "Ow!"

"We have matters to discuss." McGonagall broke up their fun. "Sit. Everyone, sit."

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