•You Know Who•

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My parents looked at me shocked. They just sat there, quiet, no one said a word. Sirius of course broke the silence.

"Well, Draco, buddy I thought you had a list of protective spells? Hmm, I thought you were smart." Sirius said seriously.

"I did but actually we weren't trying to be safe. Harry wanted kids and I'm his mate, it's my job to make him happy and kids make him happy." Draco snapped, not feeling happy about knowing peoples opinions about their lives.

"Okay, dear, you're happy?" Lily smiled softly at her son. He nodded and she smiled more, turning to her husband. "We're going to be grandparents!" She giggled, jumping on her husband's lap. He laughed at her and pecked her lips.

"Yea, we are." He looked at his son. A look that said 'i love you, and I'm proud.'


"The war is starting," Harry mumbled as he was getting ready for his healer appointment. He was standing in his bathroom and looking straight(gay) at his scar. The lighting bolt on his forehead that made him famous. "Him, He's coming."

"Harry, love come on, we have an appointment in twenty." Draco called from their bedroom.

"Comin'" Harry muttered, and walked out. He was wearing some muggle jeans and a muggle t-shirt. He didn't feel like wearing nice clothes today. On the other hand, Draco being Draco, wore a pristine green suit with a white undershirt and to finish it off he had two buttons popped open.

When they got to St. Mungo's, Harry had a bad feeling about everything. He saw some people staring, some people whispering, and some people were cowering away. When the two stepped up to the front desk, the lady looked up at and her eyes widened in, what looked like fear?

All of the sudden someone was behind Harry, grasping at Harry's throat. The Gryffindor looked over in horror as Draco fell to the floor.


"Lily, it'll be okay. They're probably just out doing couple-y things. No need to worry. Seriously, calm down." James tried to soothe his wife. Harry and Draco had been gone for over three hours and Lily was freaking out.

"What if someone found them. What if...what if someone followed us?" She asked in a small voice.

"No one could possibly know that we're here. I promise, he's ok, they're ok." James said. Although he said this he had the same thought. Maybe? Maybe his wife was right. Maybe he was under-reacting...was he?

"Okay, they're ok..." Lily calmed down. But then an owl knocked on the window with its beak. James opened the window and the bird flew in. It dropped a letter on Lily's lap and flew back out.

"That was..weird." James muttered.

They both read the letter and Lily broke down.

James and Mudblood,
I have your precious son and my death eater. You might get them back. Do as I say and you'll see your grandchild if not I kill all of them.

-You Know Who


I woke up and groaned. My head was hurting, so much. It was like someone was hitting me over and over again with a hammer. "Draco...?"

"Harry.." a voice rasped back out to me. I smiled knowing he was with me but frowned again because I didn't know where we were.

"Oh goody you're awake." A voice drawled.

"Who are you?" Draco asked.

"Your worst nightmare,"


I know this was kind of a short chapter but I wanted to get one out for you. This story will be done in the next chapter. But I wanted to say thank you to all of my awesome readers! I love you all so much, thanks so much for reading!

The Mysterious Snake {Drarry} ✓Where stories live. Discover now