Mt. Chimney Chaos

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"So where are we going?" May asked. She turned around and pointed ahead. "My pokenav says that we can reach the next gym by going this way. 

"Alright. We will have to go through... Mt. Chimney?" I was confused, I hadn't been in Hoenn for long.

"Mt. Chimney is so cool! It's right outside of here! Its actually an active volcano that hasn't erupted for years! I've always wanted to go!" May was extremely excited. 

"Great! That sounds like so much fun! Lavaridge Town is at the foot of the volcano, right?" I asked. 

"Right!" She cheered. We got our bikes that we had rented earlier and rode out of Mauville City. 

Outside of Mauville City was surprisingly green and gentle. We passed a lone house with a pond, some trees, and even a few trainers. 

"Look!" May pointed to a giant volcano. 

"That must be Mt. Chimney..." I stared in awe. May must have been staring too because I heard a scream and saw her fall off of her bike. The bike skidded across the ground and she scraped on the asphalt and into some sand. I rode over to where she had landed. 

She had gone pretty far away than where she was before. I looked around and I couldn't see anything. "Are you alright?" I asked her. I helped her up and put a few badages on her wound. 

"Where are we?" She turned around to see the empty plot of land with piles of sand. 

"Dig. Dig. Diglet." A Diglet popped out of the ground and looked at us. May stepped back and I grinded my teeth. I had seen a documentary about Diglet. And its sandstorms. We slowly creeped away, but that wasn't enough. "Dig." It said sweetly. Within seconds, I was surrounded by thick layers of sand. I couldn't see, and I felt myself being lifted off of the ground. 

"MAY!" I screamed. I saw May fly back the other way. The next thing I saw was Mt. Chimney. I was at the top. But I couldn't find May. I called her on my pokenav. It was full of static and very grainy due to the sand and heat. Eventually, she picked up. Her face was scraped up pretty bad and her hair was a mess. 

"Hey! Where are you?" I asked. 

"Hey." She groaned. 

"I think I landed in Fallabore Town." 

"How far away is that?" I became worried. Not too far. I could probably get there in a few hours." She answered, still positive. 

"Hey!" A whip came down onto my wrist and shattered my pokenav. The screen went black. 

It was Archie from Team Aqua. I shuddered. Shelley came out of nowhere and handcuffed my wrists and ankles. Shelley was Archie's main admin, and closest friend. He had darker skin and wore blue pants with holes on the side. Her long black hair fell down to her bare bellybutton.

Together the two dragged me into a cage. I hoped that May would be here soon. I was still worried. 

(Told in perspective of May)

"Brendan? Are you there?" My screen went black. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then I remembered about my friends in Fallabore. I ran to their house. I knew they would help me. At least I hoped they would...

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