Mossdeep Meteor Shower

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Lapras slowed down as we touched the beach of Mossdeep City. Wallace looked at us. 

"I will head up to the space center to speak with the professor. Please head to Steven's house. The gym leaders should be waiting there too. I suppose if nobody is there you can challenge them to a battle, but make it quick. You can't do anything without Steven, so why not waste time."

"Thanks!" May smiled. We headed towards the house on the northwest side of the city. The waves were so large that they were flooding the streets. Luckily Steven's house was on a hill. 

"Wait... Wallace, he saved us on his Latios!" May screamed. 

"Wow, small world." I smiled.

May and I ran in the wooden house as fast as we could. Water poured off of the red roof as we traveled under it. 

"Hello. You must be Bren-" A boy smiled

"-dan and May..." A girl finished and smiled. 

They looked... exactly the same. They also seemed very young. 

"This is Tate," The girl motioned. 

"And this is Liza." The boy motioned to the girl. 

"We are the Misdeed Gym Leaders." They said in unison. 

"We have a strong psychic connection, because we-" Tate began.

"-are twins. That means we battle together. We know that-" Liza continued. 

"You want a battle. How about-" Tate explained. 

"NOW!" They both screamed and held out their pokèballs. 

"A double battle? Sure!" I smiled and dug around for my pokèballs. I threw them and they revealed Sceptile and Pelliper. 

"Go Lunatone and Solrock!" Liza and Tate called out two rock pokèmon resembling the sun and the moon. 

"Sceptile, jump and use Razor Leaf, Pelliper use Surf!" 

"Psychic!" They both screamed. Both of the attacks turned around and hit Sceptile and Pelliper. It didn't do much damage. 

"Rock Slide!" They both screamed. Pelliper and Sceptile were pummeled with rocks. Pelliper was hurt badly. 

"Sceptile!" Sceptile cried as it began to shine and grow. I looked down to see my mega bracelet shining. 

"No, it can't be..." Mega Sceptile emerged from the light. It's tree was such larger and it had more red on it's body. Large seeds grew on it's tail. 

"Sceptile, use dig!" Special jumped into the ground and popped up hitting both Solrock and Lunatone. "Now Pelliper, while they can't move, use Surf!" A huge wave crashed on them. As the water died down, it revealed that the two pokèmon had fainted. They were super effective after all. 

"You won. I guess this is technically-" Liza frowned. 

"A gym battle, so you get a badge. And that would be-" Tate continued. 

"The Marsh Badge!" They screamed together. They slapped their hands together and the pink heart badge floated over and fit itself in my badge case. 

"What a wonderful battle! I was watching from afar." Steven smiled from the corner. 

"Th-thanks!" I stuttered. 

"Now you can head to the pokèmon league. You can probably fly on Latias, it isn't far from here. Now, why I called you all here. I would like to head to Pacifidlog Town. There is something near there that we need to stop this storm, once and for all." Steven explained. "Liza and Tate, here is where you come in. Can you please teleport all of us to the pokèmon center?" Steven asked. 

"Of course!" They screamed in unison once again. They were very strange. They high five and a bright light erupted form their fingertips. 

"It's starting! Look! We have to hurry." Steven brushed the hair out of his face. Three giant flaming rocks were falling onto the city. 

"TELEPORT!" Liza and Tate cried. The earth was shaking, it sounded like an Snorlax stomping through the woods. The light enveloped all of us. I screamed, but I could't hear myself. I faintly heard May scream. 

Silence. For minutes that seemed like hours... until I heard a faint but familiar sound. Gentle waves on the shore. We were ok. Right by the water. 

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