Dad's Mega Ring

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The ferry was fast. May and Sandra's hair was whipping in the wind. The water gave off a relaxing spray as we headed towards my dad's gym. I was nervous of what he would think of me.

"I think that it!" Sandra pointed ahead.

"Yeah." I knew that place anywhere. I spent a lot of my childhood running around that city and to Oldale when my dad was working. The boat slowly came to a stop above Oldale. We got off and headed down. The town seemed quiet and relaxing. It brought up a lot of memories. I missed my old friend.

"Lets head to the gym!" Julian ran with Sandra through the woods to Petalberg. May and I used this as a chance to catch up.

"So, how have you been? Like after being caught by Team Aqua and all?" May asked.

"Well fine because of you. Your friends are pretty nice." I answered.

"Your so brave." She whispered.

"You are to. You went and found them. You climbed an active volcano to save me, and carried me down." I was a little embarrassed.

"Yeah. It was nothing. Not for you anyway." She laughed. I joined in.

"Its beautiful out here." I brought up the beautiful sun set and the cool evening breeze.

"It sure is." She answered. "Hey, um I have something for you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just wanted you to have it. Like a good luck charm or something." She handed me a little pin. It showed a Mareep face.

"I love it!" I hugged her.

"I'm so glad!" She pinned it on my backpack strap.

"I'm glad we are traveling together." I confessed.

"Me too." She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. Her lips were warm and soft. We walked to Petalberg together, looking at the Beautifly migrating. "There's the gym." She pointed when we stepped on the cobblestone. "Lets go!" She giggled.

I followed, taking my sweet time. The door slid open.

"Brendan!" One of my dad's friends greeted me. "Are you her to battle your dad?" He asked.

"Yeah." He is in the back room. Let me see your badges first."

I remembered my dad would only battle me if I had four badges. I fished for my badge case in my bag and showed it to him.

"Four! Great! Go ahead, kid!" He motioned for the door. May and I walked through. "Wait!" He shoved his arm out, hitting May in the stomach. "Four badges." He held out his hand.

"Oh, no, I'm just watching!" She reassured him.

"I still need four badges." May clenched her teeth.

"Shes with me!" I told him.

"Fine, but don't try battling Norman. He doesn't have time for trouble makers like you." He grunted and walked away.

I pushed open two large french doors. It revealed an empty room with wooden floors, and my dad looking out the window.

"Dad. I'm her to challenge you. I held out my pokeball.

"I can't believe its already time..." He closed his eyes. "I remember when you were just a kid. Now look at you. Are you really ready to face the consequences of your actions?" He questioned. "I guess we'll find out." He threw out a pokeball with a Linoone. It looked like a long and smooth Zigzagoon.

"Go Flaffy!" I through out my partner. "Brick Break!" Flaffy karate chopped Linoone. It was a super effective move, but Linoone was strong.

"Headbutt!" Linoone charged at Flaffy.

"Quick, Dig!" Flaffy dug under ground. Linoone kept on going and hit the wall. "Now!" Flaffy attacked Linoone when coming up. Linoone fainted.

"Go Vigaroth!" A sluggish looking white and red pokemon came out of his pokeball.

"Go Grovyle!" My green gecko pokemon came out. "Mach punch." The punch hit Vigaroth, harming it a lot.

"Sky Uppercut!" Vigaroth threw Grovyle into the air. It hit the ground, injured.

"Leaf Blade!" Vigaroth was hurt by the sharp blade of grass.

"Sky Uppercut again!" Grovyle hit the ground and fainted.

"Go Pelliper! Use Water Pulse!" The water hit Vigaroth, causing it to fall down and faint.

"This is my last one..." Go Slaking! Use Facade!" An extremely large brown sloth pokemon thrashed around and hit Pelliper.

"Water Pulse!" Pelliper spit water at Slaking, It took a little bit of damage. Slaking wouldn't make a move.

"It needs to rest, so you can make a move." I smirked.

"Water Pulse again!" Pelliper's attack made Slaking confused.

"Facade!" The move worked, causing Pelliper to faint.

"Alright, Flaffy, use Brick Break!" Flaffy hit Slaking. "Again!" Flaffy was giving a lot of damage to Slaking.

"Facade!" Flaffy was injured badly.

"Brick Break!" Flaffy missed.

"Facade!" Slaking missed.

"Brick Break!" Flaffy missed and was getting tired.

"Facade!" Dad commanded. Slaking sat there and fell back, hurting itself. Slaking was about to faint.

"Brick Break!" Flaffy started running and shining. It burst into light. My eyes hurt, but I squinted through it. Flaffy got taller and grew a long tail with a little red ball at the end. The light evaporated.

"Yeah! Go Brendan and Ampharos!" May cheered.

Ampharos continued running and hit Slaking. The giant pokemon fainted and fell with a thud.

"Wow. I'm surprised. That was a great battle, you won fair and square." My dad handed me the Balance Badge, two circles with a rod between them.

"I want you to have this. I didn't think Mareep, I mean Ampharos would evolve so soon. It can mega evolve." He handed me a white bracelet with a little gray and blue stone in the middle. "Mega evolution is a temporary evolution that makes pokemon extremely strong. You have to have a strong bond, and Ampharos needs this stone, Ampharosite."

He handed me a yellow and blue stone to give to Ampharos. " I can trust you will be responsible." He hugged me. "Head to Mauville and go right to Fortree. There is a gym leader there. Flying, so a great chance to mega evolve Ampharos.

"Thank you."

"Hey!" Julian and Sandra ran in. "We've got to go! The boat is about to leave!" They hugged May and I and ran.

"Bye!" We called out.

"You've got some good friends. Take care of my little boy, alright?"

"I will!" May smiled. We walked onto the illuminated night streets of Petalberg.

We heard the boat that Julian and Sandra were on in the distance.

I looked at May and smiled.

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