The Shadows of the Woods

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Mareep shuddered as we entered the shady abyss of the Petalberg Woods. The air became cooler and thicker as we departed into the woods.

"It seems really scary in here..." Maddie said as she tripped over a stump.

Pokemon were scurrying around the ground and gathering with their families for a mid day nap. It made me tired. I stretched out my arms and yawned.

"Brendan..." Maddie looked as if she were about to scream. A ghostly figure glided across the twigs on the ground without making a sound. I gasped and the figure looked at me and screamed bloody murder. We screamed in unison until the creature floated away.

"Was that a..." I started.

"Ghost? I think so..." Maddie finished.

"Lets get out of here." I was horrified.

We began to walk fast through the forest, taking wrong turns at every corner until I bumped into a taller man.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized. The man turned around. He wore black shoes, tight blue pants, a black shirt, a blue vest, and a blue bandana. He had black scruff and an evil scoul on his face.

"Who are you?" The man seemed angry.

"You want to mess with Team Aqua?" Three more men with similar looks emerged from the trees, surrounding me and Maddie..

"Go Carvhana!" One man called out.

"Go Poochyena!"

"Go Zigzagoon!"

"Go Sharpeedo!"

We were then surrounded by a shark, a fish, a racoon, and a dog.

"Go Skitty!" Maddie threw her pokeball inthe air.

"Lets go Mareep!" Mareep jumped into action.

"Use Discharge!" I commanded. Mareep let out all of the electricity in its wool.

The pokemon were shocked, and Carvhana and Sharpeedo had fainted.

"Use Tackle!" Skitty lunged itself toward Zigzagoon and it fainted.

The three men ran away toward the exit of the woods. The rude man who we first encountered seemed scared. It was two on one, and we were just getting started.

"Skitty, use Tackle and Protect at the same time!" I screamed.

"What?" Maddie questioned.

"Mareep, use thundershock on Skitty!" Mareep, with hesitation, used thundershock on Skitty. I had created my own Volt Tackle. Poochyena flew backwards and hit a tree. It had fainted long ago.

"We did it!" Maddie screamed. We high fived.

"You damn kids..." The man walked away sighing.

"Lets get out of here." I suggested. Skitty jumped onto the ground and began teetering around. I began to walk around a corner. Concerned, we followed.

A light emerged from the thick path of trees. Skitty snapped out of it and Maddie welcomed it back, The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I turned around.

The most horrifying sight stood before me. A ghost. A man with torn up clothes. He was emaciated, and filthy. He looked at me and smiled a terrible and twisted smile. I blinked, and when my eyes opened, he was gone.

He haunted my mind. When my eyes closed, It just gave more detail. Over time, he gained a bullet wound, a mishapened arm, and one eyeball missing. I tried to put it out of my mind, but that was impossible. It was time to leave the woods.

I decided not to tell Maddie, for it would have scared her. I locked that scary memory in the vault, never to be seen again.

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