A Miraculous Mirage

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My feet were on a raft. I looked around. We were surrounded by rafts. Just streets of floating wood. A pokèmon center and a few cabins were down the road. 

"We need to go to that house, over there." Steven pointed to a cabin on the edge of the raft. 

Steven knocked and opened the door. We all piled into the cramped cabin. It smelled of dust and rotting wood. 

"This way." A woman smiled. She was older and dress very nicely. She lead us to a man staring out of the window. 

"Steven." He muttered weakly. He was very old.

"Yes, sir." Steven took another step towards him. 

"I... I can see it. Faintly. Up in the sky. In the cloud. Shaped like... Oh." He stumbled back. 

"Are you alright?" May cried. 

"Oh-" Tate began. 

"Dear." Liza whispered, completing their statement. 

I helped him up. He jumped out of my arms and glued himself to the window once again. 

"TRIANGLE!" He screamed and ran into the bedroom. 

"I apologize, but this is very serious. They are there, so please hurry!" She chased after her husband. 

"Who?" Steven cried. 

We walked outside, baffled. 

"See that cloud?" Liza pointed. 

Tate floated and pointed at the same time. "That's the one!" 

"Alright May. Use Latias to fly there. I understand you have a keystone... Here." He handed her a stone with a swirl in it. 

"Huh?" May looked at it closely.

"Latiasite. For mega evolution, you can't make it unless it mega evolves." Steven smiled. 

"But where are we going?" I asked. 

"Alright, I will take Tate, May will take Brendan and Liza. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Liza and Tate screeched. 

"YOU DO TO!" Tate fell to his knees.

"CAN'T THIS US!" Liza cried after. They couldn't read each other's minds very well when so upset. 

"Look, we need one of you on each pokèmon just in case. Steven grabbed Tate and hopped on Wallace's Latios. He had borrowed it when they met at the museum in Mosdeep. Tate reached back, tears streaming down his face. 

"Liza's head fell. She whimpered. 

"... Tate..." She sniffled. 

"Liza, we don't have time for this, come on." We all got on Latias. 

"I'M COMIN', TATE!" Liza screamed. 

May raised a hand and put it on her necklace. Latinas began to react to the Latiasite. We were engulfed in a large ball of energy. It shattered, revealing a larger and purple Latias. We shot through the air. I couldn't hear anything over the wind in our ears. 

Suddenly we fell. May and I screamed while Liza giggled in the distance. We hit the ground with a thud. I got up to dust myself off when Liza made a noise. 

We were in a large grassy forest clearing, and a large waterfall crashed in the distance. 

"This way! It's Tate!" Liza sprinted across the field. "Wha... Wait!" May called, bolting after her. We climbed up the waterfall, revealing a forest to navigate through. 

Steven's Perspective

Tate would not stop complaining. All he did was whimper and whine about Liza. These twins have some serious problems. I began to wonder how May and Brendan were doing with Liza, and when they would catch up. I bet they haven't left yet. I shrugged, but picked my head up and pressed onward through the forest. The incline was killing me. 

"Tate, pull yourself together, you and Liza will be reunited in just a little while." I rolled my eyes. 

Tate moaned and dropped his head. This was going to be a long walk...

Brendan's Perspective

"We are close!" Liza screamed

We chased after her. 

"Look! It's Steven!" May saw his silver hair. 

"TATE!" Liza threw herself at Tate, who hugged her back. 

"Alright everybody, look. Team Aqua...

"Shh, listen!" May whispered.

"Shelley, is it ready?" Archie smirked. 

"Yes sir, it's ours, and we will summon Raquazza. Let's just teleport it to the Sky Pillar. 3...2...1..." 

"Stop!" Liza and Tate screamed in unison. We approached them. A green crystal began to glow. 

"Shelley, let's go." Shelley and Archie placed there hands on the stone and glowed. 

"Follow them!" Steven rushed over. We all placed our finger tips on the stone and disappeared. 

I heard a harsh wind. I opened my eyes and looked down. All I could see were clouds. I heard an evil laughter fro behind me. 


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