An Electrifying Battle

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Mauville City was very quaint and quiet. It had a Pokemon center, a Pokemart, a gym, a game corner, and a bike shop. It was surrounded by the beach, and an enormous volcano. 

" Lets head straight for the gym!" I couldn't wait. 

"The gym is this way." A large old man directed us. 

"Oh thank you!" I thanked him as we headed towards the gym and slid open the heavy door. Bright lights erupted from the gym. 

"There you are!" The leader screamed to me as he walked off of his pedestal. 

"Its you!" The old man from before stood before me.

"Yup. I see your enthusiasm , so lets get this show on the road." He pulled out a Pokeball. " Go Manectric!" A blue and yellow dog like Pokemon popped out of the Pokeball and roared. 

"Its an electric type!" Maddie yelled.

"Go Flaffy! Use dig!" I threw Flaffy's Pokeball and she came out, immediately burrowing into the ground .

"Use Thunderbolt on the ground!" Manectric shocked the ground. Electrical currents rolled on top of the dirt and fell down Flaffy's hole in the ground.

"Yes! Now Flaffy!" Flaffy, was powered from the Thunderbolt slammed into Manectric, causing it to faint. 

"Ugg, go Magnemite!" A magnet fell to the ground. 

"Use Fire Punch!" Flaffy punched Magnemite with a flaming fist. 

"Magnemite, use Earthquake!" The ground violently shook. Flaffy fainted due to its fatal injuries. 

"Its time! Go Treeko!" Treeko came out of it's Pokeball ready to fight.

"Magnemite, Thunderbolt!" Treeko dodged the electrical shock.

"Treeko, use Leaf Blade!" Treeko slashed Magnemite with grass. Magnemite fell to the ground.

"Fine, go Magneton!" A Pokemon that looked like three Magnemite stuck together. 

Treeko growled at the Pokemon. "Use Leaf Blade again!" Treeko once again sliced Magneton with grass.

Magneton fell back and used Thunderbolt. It hit Treeko, who was shaking as the elctrical current ran through its body. It seemed to be struggling. Suddenly, Treeko exploded with light and began to grow large.

Blades of grass gew on lits arms and legs and became its tail. Treeko became a darker color, grew taller. The light shattered and a new Pokemon emerged. 

"Grovyle!" The evolved Treeko form screeched. 

"No way!" Wattson eyes widened. 

I checked Grovyle's moves. "Alright, Grovyle, use Fire Fang!" The gecko's mouth filled with fire and it lunged itself toward Magneton to bite it. Magneton couldn't hid on any longer and it fainted. 



"Alright, here is the Dynamo Badge. Honestly you deserved it." The old man gave me the badge and smiled. "HAHAHA! I'll see you soon, lad!" The jolly man said as we walked out.

"You are a awesome trainer. You are so strong. I can't wait to see your next battle!" Maddie explained. 

"Hey! Have you seen my Torchic!? Please, I need help!"

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