The Amazing Altaria

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May walked onto the stage against the girl with Shroomish. May looked nervous. After all, it was her first contest. Altaria looked ready.

"Shroomish! Use Stun Spore!" The Shroomish erupted with yellow paralyzing powder. May flinched.

"Mirror Move!" Altaria shielded itself and sent the attack back at Shroomish. Shroomish was paralyzed. May started to feel more comfortable. "Arial Ace!" Altaria flew through the air slicing Shroomish with it's wing. Shroomish instantly fainted.

"The winner is May and Altaria!" The announcer cried. "May will be going against Britany and Spoink!" Everybody cheered.

May came back onto the stage. She looked pumped and ready to battle. She wouldn't have an advantage this round.

"Go Spoink!" I red haired girl threw her pokéball. The gray pig pokémon hopped about, happy as a Clampearl.

"Alright, lets go Altaria!" Altaria stretched it's wings and roared.

"Spoink, use Psychic!" The pokémon sent a purple wave of psychic energy hurling at Altaria. She was hit!" Altaria fell to the ground. May clutched her necklace and blocked her eyes from the dust.

Altaria rose from the dust and was encased in a shell. It grew and cracked until it shattered. Rainbow lights exploded from the shell. Altaria was very fluffy again.

"Use Dragon Pulse!" May screamed. She tried to act like it was planed but I could tell she didn't know what was going on. There was no reason for Altaria to be mega evolving. She didn't have a key stone or mega stone... unless, that necklace she put on Altaria was a mega stone... Maybe she didn't know. That couldn't be it, she didn't have a mega bracelet. 

The purple attack hit Spoink. It flew back, but was able to bounce back onto it's spring. May stopped. She must have had an idea!

Altaria, dodge the next attack.

"Use Bounce!" Brittany screamed. Spoink bounced up and hurled down towards Altaria. Altaria flew around so Spoink couldn't focus.

"Use Steel Wing on it's spring!" May commanded. Altaria smashed it's wing onto the spring as it was told to. Nobody knew what was happening. Spoink toppled over. I finally realized what happened. She bent Spoink's spring! The pink pearl slipped off of it's head.

"Spoink, use Psybeam!" The pokémon shook, but it didn't do anything. "What?" Brittany cried.

"Use-" May was cut off by Altaria using a new move. The stage turned pink. Altaria summoned the power of the moon and shot it's energy at Spoink. The light faded, revealing a fainted Spoink.

"No!" Brittany fell to her knees and brought Spoink back to her pokéball.

"Yes!" May was so happy. Altaria returned to it's original form.

"This is ooour neeeeeew wineeeeer!" The announcer ran to May's side and put her hand up! "She has one the Lilycove Lily ribbon! He handed her a pink and green ribbon. He also handed her a portrait of her and Altaria preforming. "Lets here it for May!" The crowd roared.

I met her in the crowded lobby. People were running up to her, taking pictures, asking for autographs. It was crazy.

"Thank you for coming. She hugged me.

"No problem. You were amazing out there. But, uh, I realized something. Can I please see your necklace?" I asked.

"Uh, sure I guess." She took it off and placed it in my hand. The pink shell was smooth and cold. I put it up to my eye and looked inside. Just as I had suspected.  

"There is a key stone stuck inside of that shell." I told her.

"What?" She looked inside. "You mean!" She began.

"Yup, and that necklace on Altaria is Altarianite." I explained.

"Wow!" She exclaimed. "Hey, do you want to go out for dinner? I am pretty hungry." May asked.

"Sure, I hear there is a good place by the beach." I answered.

"Great! Lets go!" May and I walked out of the Contest Hall.

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