Whimsical Wallace in Stormy Sootopolis

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I felt two smooth hands grasp my shoulders. My lifeless body shook. 

"Oh my goodness!" May screamed as I coughed up a little water. She propped me up and hit my back. My vision started to clear, making the red and tan blur look a little bit more like May's face and her bandana. 

"A-are you alright?" I wheezed. 

"I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about!" May screamed. I saw the look of concern on her face. 

"I'm good. So where are we?" I began to scan my surroundings. All I saw was white rock. 

"My pokènav says that we are under water... If that's true..." May scratched her head. 

"That place with the legendary pokèmon!" I cried. 

"That's right! Sootopolis City!" May discovered. 

"Oh, you must be new here." A man in a white suit giggled. There were holes on the sides, and his turquoise hair hung down. 

"Y-yeah, we are. Do you mind us asking your name?" May asked. 

"No problem, I am Wallace." He posed. 

"Nice to meet you... So are you lost too?" I asked. 

"Brendan! This is Wallace. The Wallace!" May gasped. 

"Who is 'The Wallace'?" I was so confused. 

"Allow me to intervene. I am the leader of the Sootopolis City Gym. I also competed and won the Grand Festival. 

"Your the Gym Leader?" I was so excited. "Will you battle me?"

"Sure, lets head to the gym immediately" Wallace smiled. 

"I can't believe Wallace just accepted your challenge!" May exclaimed. We headed to the gym. 

The gym was beautiful. Waterfalls fell beneath an icy path to the battlefield. 

"Brendan, I am looking forward to battling you. Just know this: I won't go easy on you. Allow me to be the tidal wave that crashes on your journey. Run to high grounds, because here I come!" Wallace posed. 

"I'm ready!" I screamed before a flash hit my face. I was a little dizzy after. 

"Sorry!" A photographer apologized. 

"That's right! Brendan, please sign these photo release forms before our battle." Wallace handed me a stack of papers. I signed them and gave them back to him. 

"Thank you. Now, run to high grounds. Go Milotic!" A large pink and blue water snake pokèmon roared. It was beautiful.

"Go Ampharos!" My partner came out of the pokèball, ready to battle. 

"I will give you the first move." Wallace smiled. 

I smirked. "Alright Ampharos, use Thunderbolt!" Ampharos roared as a bolt of lightning headed straight for Milotic. 

"Milotic! Use Aqua Ring, followed by Rain Dance!" Milotic surrounded itself with a curtain of water. The Thunderbolt hit the Aqua Ring, allowing it to fizzle out. Milotic then roared, causing rain to fall. 

"Milotic is beautiful and strong. By the looks of it, your Thunderbolt is useless against my beauty." Wallace preached. 

"Use a physical attack!" May cheered from the sidelines. 

"Alright, use Thunder Punch!" Ampharos charged it's fist with electricity and charged at Milotic. Wallace didn't call a move. Ampharos jumped up, about to punch. 

"Milotic dodge." Milotic disappeared. I looked over to see Milotic skating across the wet floor. Then it finally hit me. 

"Ampharos, keep using Thunder Punch until you land a hit! After a few times, Ampharos hit Milotic with it's fist. Milotic was thrown down and was badly injured.

"Alright, use Discharge!" I commanded. 

"NO!" Wallace cried. 

Electrical energy shot in all directions, hitting Milotic. Milotic hit the wall, fainting. 

"Milotic! My beauty!" Wallace fell to his knees. 

"Yes!" I screamed as I found out my plan worked. Steam rose from the ground. The water had dried and the steam kept Wallace's pokèmon blind!

"Go Remorade! Wallace called out a little blue fish pokèmon. 

"Discharge!" Amphora released it's electric energy, causing another KO. 

"Alright. This is my last swimmer... Go, my lovely Luvdisc!" A little heart shaped fish jumped out of the pokèball. The steam faded. 

"Rock Tomb!" Wallace quickly called. Ampharos was covered in rocks. 

"Discharge! Thunder Punch!" I cried. Ampharos couldn't escape the rocks. 

"Luvdisc, my sweet, Hydro Pump! The little pink heart somehow shot gallons of water out of it's mouth. The water pushed the rocks away and hit Ampharos, slamming it into the wall. Luvdisc needed time to rest. 

"This is our chance!" I cried. "Thunder Punch!" Ampharos ran at Luvdisc, slapping it with the electric energy. Luvdisc fainted. 

"I can't believe you escaped my tidal wave... Most trainers can't get passed my Milotic... Well, you earned your Rain Badge. May cheered from the sidelines. 

I took the badge and put it in my case. "One more..." I whispered. 

"What was that?" Wallace stopped and walked to the exit. May and I followed. 

A giant strike of lightning fell from the sky and hit the water. The ground began to shake, the water began to rise. 

"What's happening?" May asked. Her voice was shaky. 

"I have no idea. It must be the legendary pokèmon Kyogre. I heard some people were planning to awaken it. We need to go right now." 

"W-what do you mean?" I asked. 

"Sootopolis City... It's sinking." Wallace shook his head. 

"WHAT?" May and I screamed. 

"Hop on my Lapras right now. We need to get help in Mossdeep City from the champion Steven. Lapras sped across the ocean. The sky was black, and the waves roared, splashing us. In the distance I saw strange looking trees below a big city. 

"Almost there..." Wallace panted. 

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