The Final Battle

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"Steven..." I whispered. 

"Brendan." He smiled. I'm really honored to battle you. I knew you would beat the elite four. I'm a different story though. This will be a great battle." Steven patted me on the shoulder. 

"You have been through so much with these pokèmon... I hope you demonstrate how hard you have worked throughout your journey in this battle. But let me warn you, I don't expect there to be a new Hoenn Champion." He laughed. 

Steven pulled out a pokèball. "Ready?" His eyes were so fierce. I was pumped but horrified. 

"Steven... Let's battle!" I held out my pokèball.

"Battle begin!" A referee screamed from the side. 

"Go Cradily!" Steven called out a strange green looking pokèmon. 

"Go Froslass!" I called out my ghost and ice type pokèmon. "Use Ice Beam!"

Ice flew at Cradily, damaging it a little bit. We hadn't done much training, but I had the advantage, Cradily was a grass type. 

"Cradily is a dual rock and grass type! You don't have an advantage! Rock Slide!" Cradily sent giant rocks flying at Froslass. It was hit and super effective. Froslass stumbled out. 

"Ice Beam one more time!" Froslass used the little energy it had left using Ice Beam. 

"Protect and Rock Tomb!" A forcefield surrounded Cradily, making the Ice Beam dissolve around it. Cradily then sent rocks flying at Froslass. It fainted after impact. i called it back. 

Steven was so strong. I wasn't expecting it...

"Go Pelliper, use Water Pulse!" Pelliper came out and sent a huge ball of water at Cradily. It dealt massive damage and left it confused. 

"Use Rock Slide!" I bit my lip, that would really hurt Pelliper. Cradily prepared for the attack and stumbled back. It hurt itself in confusion! Cradily fainted. Steven called it back and reached for a new pokèball. 

"Let's go, Claydol!" Another strange looking pokèmon came out. It was a clay owl with eyes all around it's abnormally large head. If it was clay, it must have been a ground type!

"Surf!" Pelliper sent a huge wave at Claydol. It took massive damage. Steven didn't move, so I decided to go again. 

"Surf again!" Pelliper sent another wave a Claydol. 

"Psychic!" The wave was controlled by a pink wave of energy. It exploded and was sent back at Pelliper. Pelliper hit the ground and got back up. 

"Double Team and Water Pulse!" Pelliper began multiplying all around Claydol. All of the Pelliper used Water Pulse. Claydol used Psychic to stop them, but all of the Pelliper disappeared. Pelliper was above Claydol and used Water Pulse. Claydol fainted and Steven called it back. Things were looking good for me. 

"Armaldo, use Rock Slide!" A bug looking pokèmon flew out and sent rocks flying at Pelliper. Pelliper fainted. 

I brought back Pelliper. "Go Sceptile!" Sceptile came out ready to battle. 

"All of a sudden, my mega bracelet and Sceptile began to shine. It was reacting to the Sceptilite I had. It grew into a larger version with buds on its back and a much larger tree for a tail. 

"Use Leaf Blade!" Sceptile hit Armaldo with a sharp blade of grass. 

"X-Scissor!" A strong bug type move hit Sceptile, who took a good amount of damage. 

"Use Leaf Blade again!" Sceptile hit Armaldo with the blade of grass again. 

Barely holding on, Armaldo used X-Scissor again. Special was barely holding on as well. 

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