Landing in Lilycove

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Fortree City just looked like a forest from high up. Latias flew through the air, dodging clouds and swerving past other pokemon.

"Oh, look!" May pointed ahead. "Ahhhh!" May had lost her grip and was slipping off of Latias. I grabbed her hand. "Help!" She clenched her eyes and screamed. Latias swerved out of the way of a Tailow. I lost my grip. We began falling out of the sky!

May grabbed my hand tighter. I grabbed her. We were going down together.

"Now!" A mysterious man's voice screamed. We stopped falling. I opened my eyes. May and I were behind a man wearing a white suit with holes in it. He had turquoise hair that was being blown in the wind. May squinted her eyes open.

"W-what? We aren't dead?" May stuttered.

A creature similar to Latias but blue shot down from the sky by a road with white fencing. We jumped off of the creature, as did the man with the blue hair.

"Thank you, Latios." The man seemed to moan. The blue creature flew away. The man coughed. A black cloud opened up. A tan arm reached out and puled him in. The cloud then spread in the breeze and disappeared.

"What just happened?" May fell to her knees. "WHAT?" She screamed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Ug." She moaned. "My legs hurt." She hopped on my back. I walked by the fencing.

"I think that's Lilycove." I looked ahead.

"Yes! Onward, peasant!" May cried. I could tell that May was starting to feel more comfortable around me. She was very quirky and funny.

I stepped on the white stone roads of Lilycove. May slid down my back and adjusted her shirt.

"I'm going shopping. I've got these coupons, so I think I'll have enough... Hey can I borrow some money?" She asked.

"Yeah." I reached for my wallet and gave her $50."

"Thanks, I'll pay you back! I heard that there is a cool lighthouse somewhere! You should go find it!" May ran off towards the Department store. It looked like a mall. I walked the opposite way. The beach looked great, but I knew May would want to go, so I continued walking. Lilycove was beautiful. It looked liken a wealthy beach community. I continued searching. May would meet me at the lighthouse.

May's perspective

The doors to the big building slid open. I ran inside. Everything was so amazing! I went up the escalator. I couldn't hold in my excitement. I ran into a clothing store for occasions. I had two coupons! I couldn't decide what to buy. It all looked so amazing. About an hour later, I walked to the register.

"That will be $350, please." I handed her my coupons. They were good ones! "Sorry, M'am, that will be $210." I handed her the money. I actually had $10 to spare.

"I'll take that stone too!" It was exactly $10! It was pink and blue. The light shined on it in a fascinating way. "Thank you!"

"Have a nice day!" The woman at the counter smiled.

"You too!" I left the department store and headed for Brendan. I would have to show him what I bought in a little fashion show. I bet he would like them. I would get all fancy and we could dance. I actually did buy him something, because I bought the clothes for an occasion. Why else would I have gone into an occasion store?

I walked towards the lighthouse. Brendan was sitting, looking out at the sea. "Hey!" I called. He turned around.

In Brendan's Perspective

"Wow, you bought a lot of stuff." May was carrying six bags. I leaned over to look in the bag.

"No!" May pulled the bag away and slapped me. "It's a surprise for tonight."

I was confused. "Hey, want to go on a walk down at the beach?" I asked.

"That would be great. We walked to the beach and took off our shoes. My feet sunk into the sand.

"It's so soft. Lets go by the shore and see if there are any shells!" May ran down to the water line. She threw a few shells and coral into one of her bags.

"Look at that one!" I pointed.

"Wow!" May ran over and picked it up. It was a pink color. It shined when I picked it up. She put it in her bag.

"Look at the sunset." We looked out. The orange sky reflected off of the water. The sun was right on the horizon.

"It's so beautiful!" May's eyes sparkled in the sunset. She shivered, so I put my arm around her. We sat and looked at the waves for about an hour.

"Lets go, I got something for you." I followed May to the hotel room. There was only one room available.

May grabbed a string and made a necklace out of the shells. The big pink one sat in the middle. She also tied a little pink and blue stone to a smaller string. Maybe she was giving it to Torchic.

May pulled a black suit out of one of her bags. "Put this on!" She handed me the suit.

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing!" May blushed. I took off my clothes and put on the suit.

"It looks great!" She said as I buttoned the pants. "Now meet me downtown in an hour!" May left.

I walked downtown about an hour later. May was wearing a long blue lace dress. There was a cut in the side where her leg stuck out. She was wearing makeup, her necklace, and her hair was pulled into a pony tail. Her bangs covered half of one of her eyes. She was wearing pink high heels and a pink bracelet with a small yellow purse across her shoulder.

"What do you think?" She twirled.

"You look beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"And you look very handsome." She hugged me.

"The reason why I got you all dressed up is because we are going to the contest hall. I am in it!" She exclaimed.

"What? With Torchic?" I asked.

"Nope. You'l see!" She ran in.

"Wait!" I ran after her.

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