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"Out of the house before I beat the hell out of you!" Ashton said loudly. After Ashton's "outburst", the basement burst out in high-pitched screams. When I heard the screams I looked up to the two boys in front of me. One curled up on the floor and one standing with his hands up in the air. I released a relieved sigh, Calum and Michael.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How the hell did you get into my house? And why were you whispering and shuffling around?!" I said irritated and looked at the two boys in front of me. They looked scared for life. 

"Holy fucking shit Luke!  Why would you do that?! I nearly fucking pissed my pants!" Michael said as he took down his hand from the air and brought them over to cover his groin. 

"I can't breathe" said Calum as he was still lying on the floor rolling around like he was actually having problem breathing. "I think I'm having a heart attack, I’m going to die" he choked out.

"Wait, you know these people?" Ashton said and put down the crooked bat while looking at me. 

"Yeah, they are my friends" I sighed.

"Who the hell is he!? He scared me so hard I almost fucking peed myself. Dammit, and now Calum will be in shock for life" Michael said as he looked down at the dark haired boy that was still rolling around on the floor. 

"I'm really sorry, Luke thought you were burglars or something," Ashton said as he made his way over to Michael and Calum, "didn't mean to scare you so you peed your pants or died" he chuckled lightly as he reached down to easily lift Calum up on his feet again. "You alright there mate?" Ashton asked the dark haired guy. Calum just nodded, still a bit shaken up by everything and it was kind of funny to watch. 

"Who did you say you were?" Michael asked again to get an answer.

"Oh, sorry!" Ashton said and let go of Calum to reach his hand out for Michael to take. Michael just looked at the hand for a while before he finally took it in his own and exchanged names. "I'm Ashton, new friend of Luke's" Ashton said and smiled big before he took Calum's hand to shake that too. 

“’New friend of Luke’s?’ You have other friends than us behind our backs?” Michael said and tried to sound like he was hurt. I rolled my eyes at him before I walked over and sat down in one of the couches.

“Yep, I’ve known Ash for about three whole hours now and I still like him more than you guys” I smirked, somewhat joking, somewhat not.

“You’re on nicknames level already? We’ve known each other since kindergarten and this is how you repay us from so many wonderful years of friendship?” Calum then said when he had gotten back to his usual self. Even though Michael is one year older than Calum and I, he’s in the same year as us because he had to go one more year in kindergarten because the teacher didn’t think he was quite ready to start school yet. He’s 19 now and I still think he’d fit in at kindergarten.

Ashton laughed and sat down beside me. “I like it when you call me Ash” he said and patted me on my shoulder. Michael and Calum sat down at the other couch. I noted to myself to call him Ash more often.

“So, why the hell are you in my house?” I said and looked at the two idiots.

“Michael and I walked here and when we came here you weren’t home and neither was your mom and we refused to walk all the way back home to Michael again, so we took the extra key that’s under the pot you have on the backside” Calum said and shrugged.

“And why were you whispering then?” I asked them. They never make any sense.

“Thought it was your mom and we didn’t want to tell her that we had gone in to her house without her here. That would be intruding” Michael said as he started the TV and the X-box.

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