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"So, Luke Hemmings, what seems to be the problem?" a middle age man with a white coat and typical doctor equipment asked me as he walked into the small white and baby-blue room I was sitting in. Both Michael and Calum were sitting in the corner of the room on the plastic chairs.

Michael and Calum looked worried; they had been since I had showed up at Calum's house after driving away from Ashton's.

After I finally pulled myself together and gotten myself out of the elevator, I had rushed out from the building in a hope of security not noticing me; it didn't work very well though.

I took a deep breath before pulling myself up from the floor. I sobbed quietly as I watched the broken glass on the carpeted floor of the elevator. There were droplets of blood everywhere and I cringed at the sight in front of me.

The elevator made a sound to show that it had reached its destination and I suddenly got stiff. The doors opened slowly and I glanced out, letting out a relieved sigh as I saw no one was waiting for the elevator.

I slowly got out, holding my injured hand in my other, hiding it and making sure blood didn't drip down on the marble floors in the lobby.

I looked left to right and hurriedly stumbled out of the elevator to get the hell away from here. I could feel the receptionist and security on my right glance up at me and their eyes widened. I quickened my pace and got to the exit. I pushed open the glass doors and grimaced when my hand ached and I left two bloody handprints on the clean glass.

I rushed out of the building and over to my car.

"Hey! Stop!" I could hear someone from behind me call and I knew it was security. I ignored him and jumped into my car, starting it and driving away immediately. I whined as I couldn't even grip the steering with my hand without it feeling like thousand knifes sticking into it.

I whimpered and cried my whole drive to Calum's house because it was the closest and I couldn't handle the pain and loneliness anymore.

As I hit a red light I dared to look up in the mirror and closed my eyes right after I had seen myself. I had blood all over the quiff in my hair and my forehead and cheek had blood smeared all over. I must have looked like a fucking psychopath, no wonders everyone were looking at me with wide eyes.

I kept driving and held my injured hand in my lap as I struggled to drive with blurry eyes from tears and the pain from my hand.

As I finally reached Calum's house I parked and turned off my car, leaning back in my chair to sigh and cry before pulling myself together once again. I took a few deep breaths before carefully wiping my eyes but it didn't work as more blood was spread out over my face instead.

I stepped out of my car and with shaky legs walked over to the door, knocking on it weakly. I looked over their driveway and I couldn't see Calum's parents cars which were relieving because I didn't know what to say if they were the ones to open the door. I heard footsteps and as soon as the door opened by Calum, my eyes started to water again.

Calum's eyes widened as he looked at me and he gasped loudly. "Luke! What happened to you?" he said with a worried voice and pulled me into his house. He gripped my face in his hand and inspected it. "Michael, come here!" he called.

"Who did this to you?" he said in a low but stern voice. He looked me in the eyes and his face softened as he saw my red and tear filled eyes. I started to let out sobs and he pulled me into a hug, holding me tight but still carefully.

Michael lazily walked into the hallway and looked irritated as to why Calum had ushered him there but as soon as his eyes were set on me, he hurried to my side with wide and worried eyes.

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