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A pair of soft lips were working against mine as we were still standing in the empty hallway of the university. Even if the place was filled with people I still wouldn't break away from the kiss because the love and happiness this simple act contained made it hard to give away.

Ashton sighed happily against my lips, squeezing my hipbone once or twice through the kiss to know I was still with him, to know I wasn't going anywhere. I would never go, but I needed to.

"Ashton" I whispered as I had succeeded to pull away from his perfectly formed and plump lips. He smiled at the noise of his name coming out of my mouth before he hummed, still keeping his eyes closed.

"Just because I never stopped loving you don't mean I forgive you for what you did" I said. I still spoke quietly, almost like I was scared of saying what I needed to.

Ashton opened his eyes and his hazel-green ones stared into mine, a sad and forgiving feature crossing over them every second that went by.

"I know" he sighed and squeezed my hip once again. "I know that. I was just hoping that by finding you and explaining myself, as well as apologizing, would get you to me again. Not that you'd forgive me fully, just that you would be able to move forward? With me?" his voice was soft and careful, just like mine was only seconds ago.

I was quiet for a while, making Ashton squirm in his spot. I looked up at the boy in front of me, feeling my heart ache after his love, my body ache for his touch and my mind ache for him.

"I have a boyfriend" I blurted out, still silent as before, but I didn't know how to express it, so I let it come out as a word vomit.

Ashton stiffened and his eyes widened a bit as he stared into my nervous blue ones. He still held a gentle grip on my hip, letting his thumb run back and forth against Axel's sweater that I was wearing.

"Oh" Ashton said simply, raising his eyebrows up in a way of showing that he had no idea what to say or do. I only nodded, making and uncomfortable silence wrap around us.

"Who is he?" Ashton spoke up after some time, making me meet his eyes once again. He didn't look angry or anything, he actually looked kind of curious.

"His name is Axel, I think you know him" I murmured, fiddling with the hem of Axel's sweater.

"Axel Waithe?" Ashton asked and I nodded small. "Oh" he said again. I bit my lip and fumbled around on my feet, not knowing what to say now.

"He's a great guy, I'm happy for you" Ashton spoke suddenly, his voice so small it was barely audible but I heard him loud and clear. His words surprised me. I thought he would be mad or jealous, but no. All his voice was laced with was disappointment. I don't know if it was towards me or him, but the disappointment was clear.

I looked at him with my mouth slightly agape. I wanted to talk to him, but I had no idea what to answer him with.

"I—" I started, gaining Ashton's attention once again, "Yeah, he's amazing" I breathed out, watching Ashton's shoulders slump in defeat.

"He really is amazing. He was there after everything happened between you and I and he has helped me with school and has just helped me in life" I said, nodding my head as I spoke.

Ashton nodded as well and sucked in his lips. He released his grip on my hip and stepped back a few steps. "Like I said, I'm happy you found someone who truly deserves you and makes you happy. I should go now before your professor catches me and yell at me for the bad lecture I held" he chuckled small before giving me a weak smile. He turned around to walk away but I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back to me.

boy meets boy ✪ lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now