Facing Adversity chapter sixty

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Lena woke up to the sun light peeking through the mini blinds. Lena turned over and saw Stef's side of the bed empty. Where could she be at this hour,Lena thought to herself
When Lena realize it was 9:00am
She doesn't remember the last time she slept in this late. She didn't hear Ariel or Frankie, Lena got out of bed
to see if the girls were alright. When Lena went into the other room,
Francesca nor Ariel were there
Lena begin to panic. She heads back
to the room, Lena search all around the suite. Just when she was about to call Stef's phone, Frankie came through the front door carrying what look like breakfast. Morning mommy
We brought you food, Francesca said
Good morning. Lena replied
Where were you guys l was worried
Lena asks, mama said she didn't want to wake you so we went to the pancake house to get breakfast
Frankie says to Lena. Stef came in
With Ariel carrying Ariel in a baby carrier, morning love l'm sorry we didn't wake you. You were sleeping so peaceful, Frankie woke me up so I washed Ariel up and dressed her
While Frankie showered Stef replied
It's fine don't worry about it Lena Stated. Well since your back
I'm gonna go take a shower right quick, Lena headed to the bedroom to
Get some clean clothes out of her and Stef's shared suitcase. She couldn't decide what to wear, her nerves were still shot when she thought something happened to her and daughters. Lena tried not to cry, she took some deep breaths. The kids are back and everything's is ok. Lena feared the worst, Lena tried to regain control over her emotions. But nothing was helping, Lena sink down on the floor
She tells herself, Lena counted to ten
But the tears were already begin to fall, Stef knew something was off with
Lena. So went to the bedroom and found Lena crying, baby what's the matter. Stef questions Lena
I thought something happened to you guys, when I woke up you weren't here and it scared me Lena Stated
Stef took a seat down on the bed
Baby l'm sorry I didn't mean to worry
You were sleeping so peaceful and I want the girls to disturb you so I took with me. Stef held her arms out
For Lena to come over to her
Lena walked towards Stef and sat down on her lap, while Frankie was in the other room eating her chocolate chip pancakes and fruit
Ariel was in her pack and play
Stef looked into Lena's brown eyes
Love tell me what made you so scared
Stef asks. I had this horrible dream
Something bad happened to the three of you, Lena said. Maybe we shouldn't have never come here Stef says to Lena. Don't do that, you came here to pay your respects. I know how hard this is for you, it's hard on me to
Cause I have to watch the woman l
Married take this massive step
Lena said, you need to go get showered before your food gets cold
Ariel's been feed so you don't need
to stress Stef tells her wife. Lena kisses, and gets off her lap. So she could go get dressed. Stef leaves the bedroom so Lena can have some privacy, Lena pulls out a nice sun dress and a pair of sandals. Lena heads to the bathroom,

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