Facing advesity chapter twenty-nine

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I'm on my way to the airport to pick up Lena and Frankie
I made sure that l did all errands before picking them up. We have plenty of groceries for a month
Lena doesn't eat junk food so I don't buy it. Lena's into eating healthy foods, she does all our cooking. But tonight we probably go out to eat, Lena is going to have to find a new obstetrician
Since she's pregnant with our second child. We also need to look a pediatrician for Francesca
Lena got Frankie registered for school on line, all we have to do now. She did the application process on the internet, where going to go visit the school. The school is called anchor beach private school. It's right near the beach, our daughter is going to love it there. But she needs to take a placement test. My little girl is pretty smart, she's wise beyond her years. Lena wants another girl, but I want a boy

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