Facing Adversity chapter seventh- one

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When I woke up from my long nap
The sun was shining bright. Nothing seems famliar, I saw a sign that said
San Diego. Lena was still driving
Frankie and Ariel were asleep
I looked down in the cup holder
And saw a cup of coffee, Lena must have stopped in the middle of the night. to fuel up, Lena was focus on the road, l didn't want to distract her
From driving. Baby your awake Lena said, how long was l asleep Stef yawned. for a few hours, l got you some coffee and sandwich Lena said
Thanks babe how many hours till where home. Stef asks, three hours
I think we should stop and grab a bite to eat and l know l'm going to have to change Ariel Lena replied, we continue on driving down the highway. We drove through several traffic nights until Lena pulled into Denny's parking lot, Lena turned off the car. And got out, of the vehicle
Lena took Ariel out her car seat
Frankie just woke up. I need to use the bathroom to brush my teeth
Frankie unfasten her seat belt. And followed Lena inside the restaurant
I got out the car and stretch. I don't remember the last time I slept so good
I grabbed my nap sac and headed inside the building and seen Lena standing at the counter, l came behind and put my hand on her back
Love everything ok l whisper in her ear. Yeah l'm ok where waiting for the
Waitress to finish cleaning the table
Frankie was sitting down, looking out the window. Lena held Ariel in her arms, l should have brought the baby carrier in. So Lena wouldn't have to carry Ariel, the waitress came over and told us our table was ready
We followed her over to the booth
I asked her where the restroom
She told me. I took Frankie with me so she could brush her teeth, l went into the stall. to empty out my bladder
Francesca was in the other Stall
Once I finished, l came out and washed my hands. I splash some water on my face, l got my tooth brush and toothpaste out. And started brushing my teeth, Frankie came long side me. She reached in the bag and got her tooth brush out, after I brushed my teeth. I brushed my long blonde hair, as I looked in the mirror
Mama l'm done. She said to me
Frankie is looking more and more like
Lena, she has her nose and her smile
Frankie's eyes are the same color as mine. Now Ariel has my nose and mouth, we exit the bathroom and go back to our table. Ariel is sitting in her car seat, Lena must have went to get it
There were drinks on the table.
Frankie drank her milk, Lena sip on her tea.

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