Facing advesity chapter thirty-two

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When the plane finally landed at the San Diego International Airport. Lena waited for everybody to get off the plane
So her Francesca took their time
Getting off, Lena made sure they had all their belongings. Frankie had her book bag on her back, they walked through the terminal. Lena held Frankie's hand, as they walked over to baggage claim to get there luggage, little did they know Stef was sitting in the lounge waiting for them. Frankie turned around saw her mommy, Stef was trying to play it cool. Lena began to get frustrated cause she had to stand in a long line, Lena was getting irritated cause she wanted to go home have a shower, eat something and spend time with her wife. Frankie was just to see her mama, Lena couldn't leave without their bags. Lena had zero patience waiting for the man to open up the door, to the baggage claim office. These people at the airport was so slow
What the hell was taking so long she said to herself. The more time she waited the more angrier Lena became, everything in her wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. Lena didn't want to lose her temper, Lena just turned four months. She was in the second trimester of her pregnancy. This is not what Lena plan spending all day in the.
airport terminal, when the man finally came to open the door, so everyone could get their things

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