Facing adversity chapter fourteen

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Today Lena was taking Francesca to the amusement park. So she could ride the rides, Frankie was so excited. They were going to go yesterday but Lena wasn't feeling well. Lena was getting her daughter ready, Francesca was a pair of purple shorts, with a pink shirt. Lena braiding her hair into two French braids. After Lena, her daughter dressed, Lena went to take a quick shower. While Frankie was watching tv
In her room. She went into the bedroom bathroom, to the water on. As soon as It was the right temperature, Lena removed her robe. She pull her hair up into a messy bun, and then got inside the shower. Her body had begun changing since she became pregnant again, her breast became larger, her hair was growing. Lena run her hand across her stomach, taking in the small baby bump. Lena was only three months. It had been hard to tell she was pregnant because Lena was very petite. But yet she was a tall woman.

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