Facing Adversity chapter sixty-seven

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After being in the hotel pool for three hours. Stef and Frankie return to their
Suite, when they enter inside the room. It was quiet than usual
Stef walked into the kitchen
to get her and Frankie something cold to drink, Frankie was in the living room searching through the guide to find nickelodeon. Stef came back and took a seat beside Francesca and handed her a juice box, thank you mama. Frankie said, your welcome princess Stef replied. Mama what are we having for dinner tonight Frankie asks, l'm not sure babe where gonna have to wait for mommy to wake up to see what she wants to eat for supper Stef States. Mama can l go take a shower Frankie asked, ok love
Stef got up from the sofa and went into the bedroom to get her daughter a clean clothes to wear. Stef pulled out a pair of shorts, shirt and some.
Underwear for Francesca. She went to get a towel and wash cloth from the bathroom,

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