Facing Adversity part Elven

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When Lena and Frankie came back from their outing for the day. They both were exhausted.
Lena was running a bubble bath for her daughter, While Francesca was in the other room watching cartoons, baby it's time to take a bath now. Frankie climb off the bed and went to see what her mother wanted. Lena had Francesca's towel, washcloth
And shampoo for her hair. Frankie's hair was curly and long like Lena's. But Lena's grew even longer since she became. pregnant. Along with her nails
Lena had to always wear her hair up in a bun. It was all over the place, Lena helped Francesca out of her clothes. Sweetheart what shall we eat for dinner, Lena said
Frankie was thinking really hard
While Lena waiting patiently for a response. Mommy can we have pizza the little girl replied. Ok baby just this once we can pizza Lena rely. Frankie was so much like stef. Lena left and went to order the food, Lena wasn't big on eating fast food. She had always enjoyed cooking healthy meals instead. Lena would sit down and rest a minute before she would have to go and wash Frankie's hair. They had such good time today, Lena would  take her shower once her daughter was in bed.

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